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"WHAT THE HELL ?!" Bill urged to his brother and grabbed his arms as the boy found it hard to stand up.

"Get the fuck off me, Bill..." Tom staggered towards the sofa chair, swaying a little.

"You're bleeding out." I stated, hurrying to grab a towel and some ice from the beer basket. I prepared the cloth and walked in his direction.

He stretched his arm out to stop me. "I'm okay, I just need a minute-"

"You're drunk. You're dizzy. You're bleeding. And you're spitting blood." I hissed and he froze. "Put your arms down and shut the fuck up."

He remained stoic for a moment before his hands fell on his lap and he raised his head up.

I patted his eyebrow lightly and he clenched his fists in pain. "Bill, pass me the cup." He pointed at an empty paper cup on the table and his twin obeyed.

The injured boy spit the blood out of his mouth and took a deep breath.


"I didn't know she had a boyfriend..." He mumbled after a long pause.

Bill slapped his forehead. "I knew it ! I knew it was about a girl ! You always put yourself in the worst situations !"

"I didn't fucking know ! How was I supposed to know ? She literally called me to come eat her out. I don't think that's girl-in-a-relationship type of behaviour."

"So her boyfriend beat your ass up ?" I giggled.

"Yeah... He did. He looks like the cliché lumberjack- Ouch !"

"Stop moving and I won't hurt you." I rolled my eyes. When I was done with wiping all the blood off, they decided to go to the hospital, see if Tom needed any stitches.

I gathered my things and followed them out the club. "Alright, I'll leave you to it !" I waved at the band members.

"Hey, let's give you a ride." Gustav suggested.

"There's no hospital near me. It'll just slow you down." I spoke up while walking away from the group.

"You sure ?" The drummer asked again and I raised a thumbs-up. But footsteps followed me.

Tom appeared by my side. "There's no way in hell we'll let you walk home. It's 3 am."

"I'm serious. I'm used to this and your blood is literally dripping down your face." I pointed at the blood falling from his eyebrow and travelling the side of his cheek.

"Don't act like it doesn't turn you on." He smirked.

I bit back a smile and grimaced. "You're sick."

"Am I ?" He asked before grabbing my waist and lifting me up on his shoulder.


"I got her, let's go." He said to Bill and Gustav who waited for him next to the car. I decided not to fight it, I would just look ridiculous, so I just rested my head on my hand and let the crazy guitarist lead me to the vehicle.

They drove me home. "Thanks guys. Hope you consider this a lesson, Tommy. When you fuck around that much, you're either going to get beaten up or get an STD."

"Ha.Ha. Go home, kid." He flipped me off and I smiled, walking to my porch.

It was nice to hang out with them. It was like a refreshing breeze that made me zone out from my miserable existence.

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When I penetrated the house, my eyes widened as my father was passed out next to the TV. The house was a complete mess and the fridge on the other side of the open kitchen was open.

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