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It has been a week since I've gone out with Bryce. We had been texting non-stop and, as hard as it was for me to admit, he was so... boyfriend-material. But I knew deep down I could never, I wasn't the relationship type of girl, let alone falling in love.

Despite my constant overthinking, I decided to just go with the flow and see where my relationship with Bryce would lead to.

I was smoking and listening to music in my room casually. Tonight was Tokio Hotel's leaving party. They will be going on tour tomorrow and will travel across Europe for about two months or less.

The party officially started at six. It was now almost eight and I decided to start getting ready(☆). When I was done with everything, I let down my hair like always, leaving my dark straight strands fall down my back.

I was bobbing down the stairs to leave the house when a raspy thick voice called my name.

"Mars, my love. Come eat with us." I turned around to be met with the most unusual picture ever.

My father and my brother were sitting down in the kitchen table and large dinner plates were placed on the table in front of them.

I marked a pause in confusion before walking slowly towards them. "What's going on ?"

"We have dinner, come eat." He insisted. He looked weird, almost happy. My old man was wearing cargo pants and a brown blouse. My brother wasn't apart of this conversation as he was too busy devouring the food in front of him.

"Where did you get this ?" I asked. "How the hell did you buy all this ?"

"Can't a man just spoil his children from time to time ?" He stretched his arms out with a large grin but my face remained expressionless.

"You didn't answer my question." I spat.

My dad's smile faded and his arms fell back down. "Alright, alright." He sighed. "I finally got my hands on your mother's will. Apparently, she had about two thousand dollars on her bank account. And she wanted to give it all to me. So I got it checked out."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Bullshit."

My father's face darkened. "Eat."

"No. We both know you're lying. There's no way Mom actually gave you her money. She hated you as much as you hated her."

"Are you saying I'm a liar ?" He menacingly stood up. "You're saying I made the letter up ?"

"I didn't. You're saying that yourself though." I clenched my jaw, maintaining eye contact with the fat old piece of shit I grew to call Dad.

His fist landed on the table hardly and a boom resounded, making my brother flinch. Arlo kept on eating, trying to act as if an argument wasn't about to explode before him.

"YOU WOULD NOT DARE TO CALL ME A LIAR, YOU SLUT ! I RAISED YOU, I DESERVE YOUR RESPECT." He screamed and my body stiffened at the horrifying yelling.

But I had to stand my ground nonetheless. "You did everything but raised me, you motherfucker. I know damn well you faked those papers. So no, I'm not going to sit down and eat your fucking dinner. Enjoy it while it lasts." I snickered and my father saw red.

He grabbed a random glass and threw it my way but I avoided it, shifting to my left. I looked at him with wide eyes as the glass shattered behind me. "You ungrateful bastard !" He roared.

"Are you crazy ?!" I shrieked, trembling. My eyes shifted in my brother's direction, seeking help. But he kept looking down, avoiding my pleading gaze.

"CRAZY ?! I WILL SHOW YOU CRAZY !" My father stepped forward and I froze in fear. He pushed me back and I fell, shrieking as my arm crashed into the broken glass.

Surrender  -Tom kaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now