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Tonight was the twins' birthday. I couldn't wait to see them and party. My outfit (☆) looked pretty blank but I just didn't want to dress up a lot. I felt like a nice dress and boots were appropriate, especially with the fact that Bill was at the party and I just couldn't wait to see his outfit.

It was almost 9 pm when I left my apartment. I drove to the location Tom sent me. It was a nice expensive bar I went to once. As hard as I tried to hide it, the feeling of worry was constant in my mind. The bar was expensive and the gift I got for the twins was even more costly. I just decided to buy two beers maximum, I really couldn't afford to make big expenses, especially in these times.

When I arrived at the designated place, a sense of ease took over me as soon as I laid eyes on Gustav who was talking on the phone outside of the bar. Running up to him, he hung up the phone and hugged me.

"Hi, Mars ! I'm so happy you could make it." He cheered.

"Me too." I smiled. "Where are the others ?"

"Inside. Come on." We both walked side by side through the entry way and into the dancing crowd. Zigzagging between people, we found our way to our table and Bill's face lit up when he saw me.

"What ?!" He urged towards me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Oh my god!"

"Surprise." Tom smirked behind him and his brother looked at him with wide happy eyes.

"Tom, you invited her ! Thank you, thank you." He kissed Tom's cheek while the boy laughed.

"Happy birthday." I hugged the twins. "I'm happy to be here."

"Come on, take your coat off, put your bag down and come dance with me." Bill begged and I acquiesced. Putting my purse on a random chair, I walked behind him towards the dance floor.

Of course, you didn't take your coat off. Too embarrassed to show them your scars ? To show them your actual state ? Come on, Mars, they all know how mentally ill you are. Get over yourself.

I pursed my lips, trying to shut down my overthinking. But, when Bill grabbed my hands and invited me to dance with him, the voices slowly blurred away and were replaced with nothing but happiness and music.

After the Britney Spears song, Bill and I were worn out. We stumbled to the table and sat down with the rest of the guys. There was the band members of course, but also a couple, Georg's cousin and their camera man.

The couple looked like they were out of a mafia movie or something. The man had a thick beard and muscles threatening to rip throug his shirt. His wife was a petite asian woman in a red fitted dress. She may be short with a baby face, but I looked twelve next to her with my outfit.

We drank and chatted for a little while. I ordered a beer and was sipping it casually when a familiar girl sneaked up behind Tom and covered his eyes with her hands. "Guess who it is !!"

Tom grabbed her hands aggressively and snatched them away from his face. He apparently didn't like that one bit. He turned around. "Chrissy ?!"

"Happy birthday !" She sang out but his face remained stoic. I remembered her instantly, she was the girl Tom was dating, wasn't she ? The girl I saw at the club that night and the girl who stormed off the day we hung out.

"What are you doing here, Chrissy ?" He spat. Bill and I exchanged a knowing look, this was worth a gossip sesh later.

"What ? You guys invited me." She said with a pout.

"Yeah, before we argued and I stopped talking to you." He hissed and she grimaced.

"Are you serious right now ? So that girl gets to come and I don't ? You literally met her two weeks ago !" She pointed her finger at me and I blinked in surprise. What did she want from me ?

"Calm down, Chrissy. She's with us. You don't get to be disrespectful."

"What's disrespectful is leaving me out of your birthday party after inviting me."

"Chrissy, I don't want to fucking talk about this. Go home and we'll speak another time."

"No ! I want to speak now !!" She raised her hand threateningly, as if to get his attention.

Tom hit her arm down. "Stop with the drama, Chrissy. It's fucking embarrassing."

Her face dropped at his words and she saw red. "FUCK YOU, TOM ! You want to see embarrassing?!"

Last thing I expected was me being included in the fight. She ran my way and grabbed me by the coat. Taken aback by the sudden attack, I didn't know what to do. She started grabbing my hair as I tried to get her off of me. Didn't even realised she pulled my coat off and threw it on her side.

I didn't want to hit her, she was obviously mad about Tom and I kind of felt bad for her. As a girl, my heart ached for her.

I was starting to get frustrated with the fight while the others tried to get her off of me. And, as Bill grabbed her shoulder to pull her back, she grasped my arm, and didn't want to let me go, her fingers poking my skin. I screamed in pain and, as a reflex, sent a punch her way, my fist crashing into her mouth.

She stumbled back, her hand covering her bloody lips. "You're fucking crazy !" She cried. I just stood there, watching her getting taken away by security. I knew later that the asian woman was the one who called them.

I was zoning out, overwhelmed with the sudden fight, but slowly realised the entire table was staring at me. Bill, Gustav, Georg and the other guests... They were all looking at me like I was a dead animal on the side of the road. Pity and disgust... I'd recognise those looks anywhere.

I looked down and my heart dropped. My cuts were exposed... Some of them were bleeding, probably because that crazy chick, who I thought I was feeling bad for, sunk her nails into my injuries and caused blood to run down my arms.

Fuck, fuck, fuck...

I was still in shock but Tom took over the situation and quickly hurried towards me, as if to hide me from the stares. I looked up to him through my eyelashes as he towered over me, my coat in his hand.

"Hey..." He smiled comfortingly. "You want your coat back ?"

I grabbed the clothing with a shaky hand. "Thank you..." I whispered, my voice inaudible. "I'm sorry..."

"You're okay, don't apologize." He said as I put on my coat. "I'm sorry, I didn't think I would make her that mad. Last thing I expected her to do was to attack you."

"Mars, baby..." Bill appeared from behind Tom. "You alright ?"

"I think I'm going to go." I sent them a small smile.

Great, you just ruined your friends' birthday party.

"Please don't leave." Bill's face softened. "Chrissy is gone now, we can still enjoy the-"

"How do you expect me to stay after you all..." I bit my lip nervously. "After what just happened?"

"I promise you, you're okay." Gustav interviened, Georg by his side. The band members circled me and I sighed heavily . Gustav placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We have the after party later, at Georg's house. Stay. Please."

I hesitated for a moment. "Alright." I smiled softly. "But I'm going to get some air. Thanks, guys. Sorry again."

I walked away from them, crossing the dance floor towards the exit. Sitting in my car, I let out a shaky sigh.


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