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"I like stars. I want to have like a star tattoo behind my ear." I babbled.

"Ugh, where are the fucking stars ? You can't see shit in here." Tom groaned. He was laying on his back looking up at the night sky as I rested my head on his abdomen.

"Stop whining." I slapped his chest, my gaze still fixated on the blue above us. "Plus, it's starting to lighten a bit. You know it's almost five, right ?"

"Yeah." He sighed. "I can't sleep for some reason."

"Same." I declared. "Got a lighter ? Mine's dead." I asked before throwing mine away.

"Here." He handed me one and I lit my cancer stick. "We're almost out of cigarettes."

"Fuck..." I hissed. "You want to get out of here ?"

"Where do you wanna go ?" Tom breathed out. We were both worn out after the long night we had spent but none of us seemed willing to finally go to sleep.

"I don't know. You tell me."

• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆. ☆ . ° .• °:.*₊° .☆

My eyes shot open. My sudden awakening was caused by continuous knocking on the car window.

I rubbed my eyes with a groan, looking up to meet Bill's chocked face.

I looked around and realised Tom and I had slept in the car. Tom was asleep in the driver's seat, his face covered by his cap and I was laying uncomfortably on my side of the car with my legs up on the dashboard.

I sat up, opening the door and leaving the car.

"What the actual fuck ?!" Bill gasped. "What is wrong with you two ?"

"I don't know..." I mumbled. My brain wasn't usually very productive as soon as I wake up.

"Why would you sleep in the car ?"

I thought for a bit, trying to remember what happened last night. "We got home late and somehow managed to fall asleep in the car when we parked in front of the house."

Bill brushed a hand through his straight black hair. "You two are crazy. But I'm glad you're okay."

"Thank you." I smiled weakly. "I need to pee though."

He marked a pause before agreeing rapidly. "Oh okay, of course. Just go inside, we're home alone."

I nodded slowly and stumbled towards the twins' house. When I was done with the bathroom, I joined the two siblings in the garage.

"Morning." Tom smiled when I walked in.

"Hey." I responded. I looked down, realising I'm still wearing the same clothes ever since I performed for the competition.

"You really need to get changed." Bill turned to me as he drank from his coffee cup. "Your makeup is a mess and your dress looks like it's hanging on by a thread."

"Thank you, Bill. You look gorgeous as well." I sarcastically beamed. "I'll just go home, though. I need to clean myself up a bit."

"I'll drive you." Bill urged out of the garage and I waved at Tom before following the black haired twin.

• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆. ☆ . ° .• °:.*₊° .☆

The house was quiet when I walked in. Surprisingly, neither my father nor my brother were home. But, honestly... Couldn't care less.

I mounted the stairs and took a long shower. As I was drying my hair off, my phone binged.

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Surrender  -Tom kaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now