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"That's it for Mars Allen !" The voice boomed again but my ears were ringing this time and I couldn't pay attention. "Let's get a round of applause for Lorcan Perez ! This fruity canadian drummer will..."

I stopped listening when I finally understood I had to leave the stage and lend my place to the next candidate.

I raised my drumsticks in the air to salute the audience then rapidly left the scene, nodding towards 'Lorcan Lopez' who was waiting for the stage director like I did before.

I walked out, still dizzy from the intense show I had just performed. Despite my obvious state, Kev jumped out excitedly, grabbing my shoulders. "Holy fuck ! THAT WAS AMAZING!!"

I smiled weakly. He ignored my oblivious condition and kept yelling in my face. "YOU HIT EVERY BEAT AND THAT WAS CRAZY ! The solo was impressive, I'm so proud !"

"Thanks, KevKev. But if you don't mind, I'm going to my room, a cigarette and shots are what I need right now."

"Cool, go on. I have some clients I have to chat with, I'll join you later if I can."

I acquiesced, walking away from the middle aged man and zigzagging through the crowd to get to my destination.

When I finally reached my room, I opened the door and froze as I was met with the whole Tokio Hotel band.

"SURPRISE !" They all cheered and I grinned widely.

"What ? Hey, guys !" I hugged each and everyone of them, my body stiffening when Tom grabbed me by the waist when it was his turn. "Gustav, did you play yet ?"

"Yeah, I was one of the first people." He answered. "And I stayed to watch you, you were impressive. Didn't expect anything else from my teacher."

I punched his shoulder playfully, thanking my friend with a light kiss on the cheek.

"We cheered for you ! We were your biggest fans in the crowd." Bill applauded excitingly.

"Thank you ! I didn't know you guys would stay to watch me. I'm really happy about it."

"Of course we did." Tom smirked and I responded with a small smile.

The band hung out in my room. Bill was getting ready by the vanity desk. Tom and Georg were playing a card game on the carpet while I chatted with Gustav on the couch.

"Yeah, I chose 'Like a stone' cause I feel like it's the most similar beat to what I'm used to with Tokio Hotel's songs."

"Yeah, Kevin actually advised me to choose a pretty rapid song for the competition. He says I'm skilled enough to pick a complicated track for the judges. It would give me supplementary points."

"Yeah, I get it. I tried playing it before but the solos are pretty tough. I prefer staying in my field, I couldn't risk it."

We conversed for a little more before Bill put a stop to our chat. "Hey, guys ! Let's go to The Golden Table ! Alexis want us to meet up there." He clapped his hands to get our attention.

"What's The Golden Table ?" I asked. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"It's a bar. Near Long Row Street." Georg explained and I nodded.

"Come on, let's go !!" Bill whined and the band members stood up groaning. I watched them gather their things. "Mars, get up !" Bill scowled at me.

"Oh, me too ?" I blinked.

"Yes !" He rolled his eyes. "Alexis will be happy to see you. They talk about you all the time."

I smiled at his statement. "Alright." I texted Kev that I was leaving and followed the boys out.

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