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When I finished getting ready, I grabbed my bag and left my room. The band members were already in front of the elevator, waiting for me.

"Looking gorgeous, Mars !" Gustav cheered as I joined them.

"Yess ! Oh my god, I love your swimsuit." Bill grinned. I thanked them with a small smile.

Tom, on the other hand, didn't bother with words. His eyes almost poked holes into my body as they travelled up and down my figure, his usual smirk plastered on his face.

"Come on, let's go !" Georg declared and we all followed him down to the pool area.

I was surprised to see that it was empty, except for two old people a couple feet away.

We didn't even get to rest the bags under our designated spot by the pool that Gustav ran towards it, jumping into the water with a loud boom.

We broke into laughter at his excitement and, soon, Tom and Georg dived in too.

Bill and I decided to sunbathe for a bit before actually swimming with the guys. We laid on the deckchairs, sipping from our drinks as we watched the rest of the band members enjoy themselves in the water.

"Soo..." Bill turned to me while drinking his Pina Colada. "You and Tom, huh ?"

My head shot in his direction and I looked at him with a stunned expression. "What are you talking about ?!"

He sat up. "Look, Mars, I know my brother. And I'm starting to know you well enough. There's something between you two and, somehow, I can't comprehend what it is."

I looked down, nervously drinking from my Coke.

I couldn't deny the fact that I have been thinking about Tom and that weird tension between us. It has been there from the very start but it had amplified after our little 'moment' in his room the night of their leaving party. We had almost kissed and, for some reason, acted as if nothing had happened.

Well, 'nothing' did happen but... something happened.

Anyways, apart from a few cheeky glances or flirty comments here and there, our relationship has been nothing but platonic.

"I don't know what you mean by that, Bill." I answered my friend and he smiled mischievously.

"If you say so..." He mumbled. "But, just so you know, I don't think I've ever seen him so worried about a girl before than he was the night you passed out."

"Did you expect him to laugh or something ?" I grimaced.

"No, but I didn't expect him to care so much that he healed your cuts and stayed with you for the whole night before you woke up, instead of leaving you with me and hanging out with half the girls downstairs." Bill explained as his gaze shifted on his twin. "Personally, I think he has a little crush on you."

I smiled nervously. "He's Tom. He doesn't have 'crushes'." I mimicked the quote marks. "He only has eyes for the girls who fall easily into his arms. He fucks and then ghosts them. I don't think I can reciprocate feelings for someone like that."

Bill shook his head, laughing. "I get that, I don't particularly agree with his choice of lifestyle as well. But he's still my brother and I know him more than I do myself."

"Whatever, Bill." I stood up from the deckchair and stretched my hand out to him. "Let's join them !"

He grinned widely and grabbed my hand, both of us jumping into the water.

• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆ • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆.

The rest of the day was really fun. We had some ice cream and the hotel offered us many plates of fruit. We also had a lot to drink which was expected, since the concert was tomorrow.

The band had explained to me how they would always get drunk the day before the show, do shots before going on stage and leave for drinks right after they finish performing.

As it got dark, we all left the pool and went up to our rooms to shower. And then, we had agreed to all meet in Bill and Georg's bedroom to party a little.

I had opted for a large white hoodie with booty shorts underneath. For the shoes, I was only wearing sock. So what ? The room was right next door.

When I barged into Bill and Georg's dorm, I froze when I saw Tom sitting on the bed with a stranger. The girl had long dark braids that matched perfectly with her chocolate skin. She was wearing a short sparkly pink dress and heels. She was truly gorgeous despite the fact that her outfit contrasted weirdly with the comfortable clothes everyone was wearing.

"Why are you standing in the doorway like that ?" Gustav mocked and I blinked, walking towards the three band members and sitting down on the carpet with them.

"What the fuck ?" I mouthed to Bill and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Why did he have to bring her here ? He could have easily taken her to his room and bared us this despicable awkwardness." Georg whisper-yelled.

"Because it's our traditional post-concert party. I couldn't just leave and not stay with you guys." Tom responded and we all turned to him.

"Go on, you're forgiven." Bill shook his hands, signing him to leave.

Tom shifted from under the girl and smirked at us. "Nah, I'm starting to like this awkwardness." He sat back and the woman laid on top of him again.

"I'm Denise, by the way." She smiled softly and I returned to her the fakest grin of all.

"Whatever." Gustav sighed. "I got used to Tom having his girls over every time we hang out. Don't worry, they'll both leave in like thirty minutes or less to go fuck in his room."

"Good to know." I grimaced. "Let's drink our way out of this weird tension." I grabbed the vodka bottle and started pouring the liquid into the shot glasses.

We toasted to the beginning of the tour and gulped down our drinks in a swift. Bill decided to put on the music in order to muffle down the sounds of kissing and moaning coming from the bed.

Despite the couple literally making out next to us, we actually had fun, playing a few card games that the boys taught me. I was starting to get tipsy but I shook it off. This night was about celebrating Tokio Hotel's Europe tour, I wouldn't want to mess it up with my drunkenly clinginess.

"Oh my god ! Stop, Gustav ! You're making a mess !" Bill shrieked while the drummer was trying to take a shot, without using his hands.

He finally did it, not without spilling half the glass on the carpet. "Yess !!" I cheered, laughing my ass off. I inhaled from my cigarette as I watched Bill grunt and wipe the alcohol off the carpet with a cloth.

Georg and I were mocking Bill when I felt a sudden sharp pain on my past injury. "OUCH !" I hissed, grasping my arm as it started throbbing.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." 'Denise' ran up to me with apologetic eyes. "It's my heel. It just flew off. I'm so sorry, just the heat of the moment." She giggled nervously and my eyes fell on Tom who was still laying on the bed.

They have been making out for hours now and they still didn't leave to his room like Gustav predicted. And, now, a heel just crashed into my arm and I couldn't even react. But I knew I was furious.

I tried containing my anger and I just breathed out slowly.

Calm the fuck down, Mars.

Denise was still waiting for me to answer and I just nodded.

Don't make a scene.

Without a word, I turned around and walked into the dorm's bathroom. I then took a look at my arm in the big mirror on the wall and I grimaced as I saw that a few cuts had reopened, leaving out room for blood to flow down.

I cursed under my breath, ripping angrily some pieces of toilet paper and patting the blood off.

However, as if I wasn't frustrated enough, a certain guitarist entered the bathroom with worried eyes.

What does he want, now ?

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