MB Q's 1

570 4 21

WWYD If MB invited you to a private hotel slumber party? Would you accept their invitation? How would you respond? 

1. Would you bring anything? 

2. Would you bring a friend or two? 

3. What would you wear?

WWYD If Princeton followed you on instagram and you wrote freaky princeton imagines and got excited and wanted him to read them. If he asked you to send you the links to them, would you send them to him?

WWYR: Which Holiday would you rather hang out with MB during....Christmas or Halloween?

WWYD If one of your favorite MB members wuz having a wedding in the near future, but you and his fiancee don't like each other because she is a hoe and has been cheating on your best friend (the groom from mb) but he didn't listen to you because he thinks that you are jealous of their relationship. So anyway, he wants to still come to the wedding even though he doesn't know about his fiancee is cheating on him and they are about to get married. Would you accept or decline his invitation?Would you try and tell him what's going on? Would you talk to the fiancee and threaten her not to marry your friend? WHAT WOULD YOU DOOOOOO?????

WWYD: If you were just hired at Taco Bell and come to find out that rayray was your training manager and that he would show you the ropes and everythang but while noone is watching he often flirts with you during work hours and takes you around the restaurant to get freaky with you such as the cooler in the back, and in the men's bathroom. A few weeks later, rumors are spreading around about how rayray and some girl is messing around the workplace. How would you handle this situation?        

A. Dispell the rumors and quit

B. Report rayray about his actions

C. Lie and blame it on someone else

D. All the above

E. Other

WWYD If you found out that you were related to one of the boys from mindless behavior?

WWYD: When it was the first day back to school and you're first period class was science and you HATED science or at least in the morning. Next thing you know you see a familiar looking kid in your class and as soon as he turned around it was prodigy and you blushed as he smiled and waved to you. What would you do? 

A. Would you go up to him and talk with him 

B. Would you remain in your seat?

C. Other

WWYD: It was late one night at the hotel you and your family was staying at and you wanted to go swimming alone. When you finally reached the pool area you walked near the stairs to the pool and sat down at the top of them just to get your feet wet. All of a sudden you see some brown thingy swimming closer and closer to you really fast until they reach the stairs to come up for air and it was princeton who flipped his hair and combed through it while he was looking up at you from between your legs. What would you do? What would you say?

WWYR Would you rather go horseback riding with princeton or bike riding with roc royal?

WWYD If MB invite you over at the conjuction house one night to play truth or dare would you play along, pass on some questions, half-play along or sit there and watch them play?

WWYD If Ray ray was the new kid at your school and a bunch of kids came and started bullying him. How would you react? Would you go up to the bullies and tell them to stop? Would you report them to the principal? Walk away, beat the bullies up yourself, or all the above?

WWYD If you the teacher told you that you were in danger with failing your math class and had to take tutoring after school. You agreed and stayed after school. It just so happens that ray ray was one of the tutoring teachers but you couldn't pick him to be yours, because the decision was up to the after school teacher. What would you do? 

A. Would you beg the after school teacher to let ray ray be your tutor? 

B. Would you accept the fact that he wont be your tutoring teacher and let someone else be it? 

C. Other

WWYR Attend one of prodigy's family reunions during the summer or hangout wit ray ray's family for a week?

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