My Stalker, My Protector, My Lover

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Hi it's me the unknown stalker of "beautiful" She's beautiful. I know her name but it's not improtant with me. I stalk her daily, i stalk her nightly. I think about her everyday and i wonder if she thinks of me? I stalk ALL of her social networks and she has added me and/or followed me on all of them. I post similiar stuff to hers just to get a like and comment from them. I squeal with glee. Just for her to ackowledge me in her likes and comments are enough of me, but sometimes it isn't enough. I want MORE. She has a video channel and i watch her videos repeatedly. I rape that replay button just to watch her beauty before my eyes and listen to her sensual voice. I wait paitently and patiently for the next set of videos. Just to hear or see her. I stalk her twitter page just to see what's on her mind at the time and try to interact with her. Sometimes i'll get a reply but i know she swerves me alot. One day she'll be mines.- jacob perez

(months later)

Beautiful notices about this person who stalks her daily. MB follows her on every account and TM gets jealous of her. They attack her because she brags how much she gets attention from them. Next thing you know, unknown stalker arises to defend beautiful. Beautiful was shocked and some of TM got silent. Beautiful and Unknown falls in love. They stalk each other to se what they indirectly say about one another and make videos for each other.

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