The SpiffyWives Club story fanfic idea

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Chris had four wives who were legally married over seas than he brought them over to the states. He and his wife share the same house. The wives don’t know about each other, but at least two of them are suspicious of Chris whereabouts late at night. Drama, Love, Romance and Humanity are all in this story about how Chris handles a multiple household and a BIG family….Did he ever second guess that his plans would work or that this was all a BIG mistake??? His intentions were good. He loves his first wife, he married the other two to provide them with financial security, and the other one he was arranged by his grandparents. Besides he was wealthy and a hard-working man so he wanted to spread his wealth around and that’s ONE of the reasons why he chose to be polygamous AND for physical reasons.

His 1st wife is his babymama whom he married later

His 2nd wife is his older than 

His 3rd wife is from the meditarenean

His 4th wife is the youngest

And t/o all his marriages he managed to have 10 accountable kids but he may have more out there…..who knows???

Just suttem i thought about and wanted to share with u all.

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