Twisted Family- prince imagine along with star and others

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Even tho this idea that I have has prince and star in it they're not really the main focus of this imagine. It's actually from the daughter's POV. There's this family who's kinda twisted but they love each other in a different way a normal family does and their lifestyle is very incestuous one might add but life goes on.

Prince is the daddy, star is the momma, logan browning plays the daughter (15), the son plays young marqus (16), and they all live with grandma and grandpa. Everyone in the household has a job except granpa. He's retired from the army and he's living off his retirement now. He bought his 1st house when he was 30 years old now he mostly pays for maintenance and upkeep of the house. Another member who has a socially accepted job would be the grandmother who is still active and maintains the houses for the wealthy families in westbrook. Westbrook is the town that the perez's live in. It's a fictional town. All the other members: mom, dad, Olivia (who is portrayed by logan browning), and marqus all have jobs that some ppl might frown upon but hey. It's their life and if that's the way they want to make money well so be it. It's not hurting anyone is it?

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