MB Q's 4

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WWYD What if you gave your phone number to Roc royal at a meet and greet and he decided to surprise you with a phone call? 

A. Would you answer it? 

B. Let it go to voice mail?

C. If you had a friend sitting next to you at the moment, throw the phone to her and let her speak to him?

D. Other

WWYD If Rayray came up to you with his hair out and asked you "Hey shawty, dammmn you fine. Can you do my hair for me?" How would you respond?

A. Blush, and nod yes

B. Smile, thank him for the compliment but say No, i don't know how to do hair

C. Smile, thank him for the compliment and but lie and say yes just to touch and play in his hair

D. Keep Walking

E. Other

F. Cut off his hair and sell it on ebay

WWYD If Roc told you "I love you beautiful," face to face?

WWYD If rayray put his tongue in your pussy and did soft and slow strokes inside you? How would you react?

A. My kittykat is ready!!!!!

B. Naaah das ok

C. Moan his name

D. A and C

E. Tell him to stop, and if he doesn't try and get out of the situation as best as you can

F. Other

WWYD If MB MGMT made a MB social network similiar to Facebook and all the boys had their own personal accounts on there? 

A. Would you sign up to their site?

B. What should the name of their social network be?

C. Which boy would you request as a friend or would you request all of them?

D. What kewl features should they put on the site? 

WWYD If you were stuck on an elevator with MB?

WWYD If you had mb's attention for one minute? Wat wud u say? Wat wud u do?

WWYD If you had a chance to go on vacation with mb? Which boy would you like to hang out with on the vacation? Where would you guys go and what would you do there? Would you bring a friend?

WWYD If you wuz lying awake in bed one night and couldn't sleep, tyring to think of a new fantasy of you and roc royal when all of a sudden you got distracted by this low humming engine noise outside your window and when the vehicle turned the corner near your house and just parked itself on the curb. You get up to look through the blinds and saw that it was MB's tour bus OUTSIDE YOUR BEDROOM WINDOW AT 12:30 AM. Gurrrl whatchu gone do?

A. Continue to stare outside at the tour bus waiting to see what's going to happen. Who's coming out while crossing your fingers for roc to be the first one to step out.

B. Getcho azz up, quietly get dressed and sneak outside your window.

C. Lay back down and try to start the fantasy with you and roc, cuz you know DAMN well dat ain't no mb outside yo window

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