MB Q's 3

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1. WWYD If your parents invited rayray over for dinner and it was taco tuesday? How would you respond?

A. Would you share yo taco with rayray?

B. Would you motion for him to sit by you?

C. Would you ask him questions you didn't get to ask him beore?

D. After dinner, wold you excuse yourself and find ray for you guys to be alone in your room?

E. Would you thank your parents for inviting rayray over for dinner?

2. WWYD If you went to the mall and you regualarly shopped at Abercrombie and fitch and while you were looking for the cutest shorts for school, you looked around quickly and saw a mannequin that looked just like princeton. How would you react?

A. Oh my Gahd, It's a prince-uh-quin!!

B. Go up and touch it's wig

C. When no one is around..put your arms around the mannequin and hug it for 10 minutes

D. Say Hi and wave to it

E. Lift you top and flash the mannequin

F. Snap a photo of you and the prince-uh-quin

G. All the above

H. Some of the above

I. Other

J. Steal the mannequin

K. See if you could buy the mannequin from the store manager.

3. WWYD If rayray made a few guest appearances on pretty little liars as a part of the "A team?"

A. Freak Out

B. Laugh ur azz off


D. Stop watchin the show

E. Watch the show even more

F. Other

4. WWYD If Walter wuz "Michael" on the tv show LOST, that prodigy played his son named "Walt," and that vincent wuz portrayed by prod's poodle coco?

A. Laugh your azz off


C. Stop watchin the show

D. Watch the show more

E. What is LOST?

F. Other

5. WWYD If the MB Mgmt sent look-a-likes of mb to the carribean, africa, australia, asia, denmark, holland and other places that tm wants mb to come to and most ppl were fooled when they figured out that MB really didnt go to those places How would you react?

A. Terrified

B. Lost all hope

C. Sad and then angry

D. Leave TM forever

E. Call up the fan # and curse mb mgmt out

F. Be kewl with the situation

G. Other

6. WWYD If you and your friends won a free cruise to Aruba and you guys shared the same room and decided to explore the ship. Next thing you hear over the p.a. system is that "MINDLESS BEAHVIOR WILL BE PERFORMING LIVE!!! THE SONGS THAT THEY WILL BE SINGING OUR MY GIRL AND MRS. RIGHT REMIX OUT ON THE DECK. SO COME ON DOWN TO THE FRONT O THE SHIP FOR SOME GOOD, WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT!!!" How would you react?

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