Building characters from scratch

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A Typical Day In The Life Of: Building characters from scratch

Just thought of a brainstorming idea while i was in the shower

Ok say you want to start a new story or start to write your first story, you need characters right? Yes that and amongst other things but let's focus on the characters first. Say for example you are determined to write a MB fan fic. Ok kewl. 

Your main characters would have to be MB or if you want to be specific it could a certain boy who is the main character. For example: Modern Love Story (a mindless behavior love story) where all mb gets to share the spotlight or Animalistic Behavior (a roc royal love story) where roc and his significant other will be the main characters in the story so anywayz.

Let's start with Princeton. Or would you rather call him by his real name Jacob?

Status: poor, famous, rich, popular, misfit

Personality: shy, out-going, pessimistic, charismatic,

Ethnicity- mexican, african-american, italian

Style: punk-rock, hipster, goth, urban

Likes: messing with people's emotions, making ppl laugh

Dislikes: ppl calling him jacob, touching his hair

Fears: loosing his dog burritoe, being bald

Goals: spreading the peace

Fave foods: tacos, burritoes, hot cheetos, wheat thins, everything mexican, organic

Fave beverages: tea, mocha coffee

Fave thing to do: shop

Body type: muscular, slim, chunky

Height: tall, short, medium

Age: child, tween, teen, adult, senior

Country: USA, UK, Mexico, etc

Friends: yes/no

# of friends:

Signifant other: yes/no

what types are they: girlfriend, baby mama, wife, boo thang, etc.

Pets: hamster, puppy, rabbit, goldfish, parrot, white mountain lion, python snake, etc.

Siblings: yes/no

# of siblings:

Status of Parents: living/dead

# of parents: 1 mom/1 step mom/1 dad/1 step dad, etc.

Status of Relatives: living/dead

So you mix and match all the chracteristics you need to make your basic character (there is more but this is what i could come up with) You could also make this personality list up as well it doesn't havent to be everything that princeton likes.

For ex. Jacob is a poor hipster who is muscular and of medium height. His personality is shyness. His style is punk-rock clothing. His fave foods consists of anything mexican. Once you fill out all this info with your character you can start on the next and add some other stuff to the list. Have fun! But don't make your character too complicated.

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