Prod "preacher man" bus driver fanfic concept

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Prod is a highschool bus driver for an urban public school in atlanta, Ga.

The kids are foul smelling, shout obscenities, sexually active and all kinds of sinful things. He prays on the bus silently to himself while the kids remain loud. They often get roudy and start fights. He grew up as a preacher kid and wants to make a difference in the youth of atlanta. Starting with George Washington High School.  He greets the kids good morning and good afternoon but the majority of them curse him out or ignore his prescence altogether. He tries his best until he decide to get a break. Some of the bad kids start to notice where “Preacher Man" aka prodigy from MB has disappeared to. Not all the kids who ride his bus are bad. There is one girl that takes a liking to his charm.

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