My Female Companions (a roc royal story)

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My relationships. Let’s see. You could say that I’m a ladies man and that I love me some pussy. But you know sometimes it’s not really about that. I love and cherish women too. Yea, I admit I have good times and bad times with the females in my life but each one of them teach me something about myself and I learn something about them. How we each met, who knows who, who reveals my deepest darkest secrets. That’s why I must be careful with how I treat women. Because one day, it will come back and bite me in the azz. Yea, that’s karma for ya. My age is 19.

1.      I guess it all started with my best friend, my home girl. We go way back to diapers. We’re like childhood friends. We’re the same age and she’s like my sister. I go to her for advice.  She’s down to earth and her style is sporty.

2.      One day at school back in middle school I met my first girlfriend. It took the whole 3 years for me to get to know her. But as of today we no longer are together she’s my ex-gf. We met during lunch one day. She was very affectionate. I admire that.

3.      During the summer before I went to high school, a new girl moved into my neighborhood. I hardly see her. I think she stays at home a lot. She doesn’t attend my school. Sometimes I think she’s weird. She waves at me eerie like, she smiles real hard when her mail ends up in my mailbox and some other objects ends up in my room. Oh and she lives right next to me. She’s a lot younger than me.

4.      When I got my first job as an entertainer, there’s an older woman who works with me. She’s like my mentor. I see her as an auntie figure. Surprise she’s not married. She’s my co-worker well, I prefer associate.

5.      I met my current girlfriend at the beach. She was on spring break. She was breath taking. We have similar interests.

6.      My baby mama came into my life as a groupie during my shows as she force herself upon me without any protection and we did it on the tour bus one lonely night where everyone else was having dinner.

7.      My boo thang is pretty special. She is like my dear friend who I can have sex with and fall in love. We have an off and on relationship. Kinda like a friend with benefits type of relationship. We met at a club once. And still keep in contact with each other.

8.      My wife, my life. I met her at my church in a youth group. We have more a spiritual relationship. I need that type of relationship in my life. We have been married for at least one year.

9.      My daughter, the apple of my eye. I love her with all my heart. She is 5 years old. She’s nothing like her mother though. It’s kind of a sad relationship.

10.  My 3rd cousin, wow she is a cutie. I met her at one of our family reunions. She’s a little thick. I never knew she was my cousin until I asked my mom who she was. As we got to know more of each other we had to find time and make plans for each to meet in secret. I must admit, my thoughts towards her mostly impure, but she knew she wanted the zilla so I gave it to her. To this day I don’t think no one in my family suspects a thing. This is one skeleton I plan to keep in the closet.

11.  This new girl I am recently talking to is one of my new friends whom is female. She’s interesting. I met her on instagram. We’re just getting to know each other so nothing serious.

12.  My classmate is this chic that I have ALL my classes with at school. She doesn’t really know I am just how I act in school. We don’t really have feelings for each other. I kind of use her for information. More like my information hoe in whom she is nerdy. With a little makeup, contacts, bare legs, and her hair down she could be really pretty. But don’t tell I said that. She’s really uptight about her school work though.

13.  And there’s this girl who thinks I don’t know she exist, but I do. She’s my biggest fan. She goes hard for me.

So yea, all these females in my life are VERY important. Each one loves me in their special type of way. 

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