I have this idea to start an MB Christmas story!!!!

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I don’t know how many TM have done a story based on christmas, but i would love to do one. It’s one of my fave holidays even tho i don’t celebrate it. I just like the decorations really. Still i think it would be cute to do one. If i do one I’m trying to think who would be the main character and their personalities and the characters and whatnot.

OMG!!!! This would be so kewl. I have over-used roc, kiloni and prince alot. I like those guys but damn some other ppl need to get a chance. Hmmmm idk i might use ‘em again haha! I was thinking prodigy should be the lead.

If i do decide to make him the lead character then he will need a different personality. Other than the stereotypical (innocent, outstanding character, hungry about chicken and other foods, loves the booty, etc.) But you know what i should make him the star of this story cuz i don’t have a book dedicated to him but somehow i’ma throw in prince in the lead…OH maybe prince and prod can be brothers!!!! I haven’t made these two related in a story before!!! YAAAAAAY!!! But who’s the girl that will be prod’s girl???? I think that shud be a secret.

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