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That you can turn a WWYD scenario into an imagine? Yes you can. I’ma use one of mines. Remember this question?

“WWYD If MB invited you to a private hotel slumber party? Would you accept their invitation? How would you respond? 

1. Would you bring anything? 

2. Would you bring a friend or two? 

3. What would you wear?”

This would be a good scenario for anyone to use. I don’t mind if yall turned this into an imagine because everyone has their own spin on what can happen and what won’t happen. Even if it’s fantasy. So yea. If you ever get writer’s bloc. Write an imagine based on a WWYD. I don’t think people would get upset if you use their questions unless they say: DON’T STEAL MY WWYD QUESTIONS.” Be creative and make it interesting with some realistic element in there.

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