MB Q's 2

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1.WWYR tongue kiss rayray or french kiss princeton?

2.WWYR Attend a TM slumber party that is an hour away or log onto a video cam TM slumber party chat?

3.WWYD If the "surprise guest" at your sleepover party was princeton? What would you do? What would you say?

A. Pass out

B. Run and hide

C. Be speechless

D. Go up and talk to him

E. Hug him

F. Other

1.WWYD If you went to the store to pick up some milk for your grandmother and you ran into prehia, roc's step sister. Would you pester her for information such as roc's number, oovoo account, to get him to follow you on instagram, to tell him you said hi, to actually talk to his sister or say hi to her and go about your business?

A. Ask for roc’s #?

B. Ask for roc’s oovoo account?

C. Ask Roc to give you a special shoutout in the next awesomeness tv episode?

D. Ask if he’s single?

E. Ask him to follow you on Instagram?

F. Say Hello to his sister

G. Have a five minute conversation with her

H. Go about your business

I. Do all the above except for H.

1.WWYD If you saw MB performing "Hook-it-Up," at Six Flags and you watched the performance. Once it wuz over the boys dispersed into the crowd and you lost sight of them. You wandered around til you tried to find them. You looked to your right and didn't see them then you *bumps into somebody* and you ended up resting in the big strong arms of roc royal and you looked up at him and he smile with his big goofy grin asking you "Are you okay?" What would you do? 

A. Would you get up from roc's arm and walk away?

B. Would you stay in his arms?

C. Would you thank him for catching him and say thank you?

D. Would you pop his arm and say "Boy let me go, I don't know you like dat?"

E. Would you ask where the other boys at so you can holla at them?

F. Other

WWYD If Princeton and Rayray were fighting over you. Trying to get you to go with one of them. Who would you go out with?

A. Would you go with both of them behind their backs without either of them knowing? 

B. Would you go out with none of them because that would be unfair? 

C. Would you decline their advances and be direct with them? 

D. How would you handle this situation and why?

1.HWYF If MB still did My girl of the week? (how would you feel)

2.WWYD If MB was holding audtions for their next video "Lose It," which would feature all the boys shirtless and they each got verses and individual screen time. The director neeeded four main girls and some extras. And MB spreaded the word for the video and all the information girls would need before trying out for the video.

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