C15: Café

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You wanted to tell Nami and Robin about the result of your investigation but it doesn't seem to be a good timing for that. You hugged them one last time before they went inside the van to travel again for their work as models.

It would only take them some days and you can wait for them to be back before spilling the tea.

While waiting for their van to go, there's the uneasiness feeling. You looked around as if someone is watching you from a close by range.

If ever someone sees you in Morgans' building, no one will suspect anything about your previous connection because Nami and Robin works here and you're just seeing them off. It wouldn't also bother you much because you had given an order to stop the investigation, taking all risks to trust Kid by yourself.

"Be sure to call us if you have any problems, Y/n" Robin said.

"Yeah, call us anytime." Nami said.

"Will sure do, take care."

With a last hand wave, you watched the vehicle go until it disappeared from sight.

You headed back to your office by foot. It wasn't that far from your location and having a little walk is nice to give yourself some exercise.

Turning into a blind curve sidewalk, you almost bump into someone. You raised your head to apologize but you were surprised to see him.


"Hey, Y/n. Hahaha, what a great day to see you. Where are you heading? Are you free today?" He asked, he doesn't seem surprised to see you unexpectedly. Rather, he's much more excited but it doesn't matter. Maybe he's just happy to see you.

"I was just heading back to the office after I went to see Nami and Robin before they travel for work." You explained.

"Are you busy? We can have a coffee for a bit, my treat if that's okay?"

You checked your phone to see your schedules before answering him. There are some things to do but those are just light work that can be handled any time.

"Sure, we can go." You answered.

You can tell how happy he was that you agreed. While walking to a nearby café, the two of you had already been catching up with almost everything.

Cavendish chose to lead you to a highest café with limited guests only. At first, it was a nice choice but the receptionist caught your attention when they welcomed the two of you. They lead you two to a corner table with a 'reserved' note on top of it that was now removed by the receptionist.

After giving the orders, the conversation resumed.

"I didn't know you had a reservation, maybe they were only expecting you." You said.

"Nope, I messaged the manager to have our reservations while we were on the way." He said. Your brows knitted briefly as you recall your journey to the café, he never took out his phone during the entire walk. You are sure of it because you had your focus on him during the entire conversation. Although, it should not be a big deal for it caused you no harm.

Both of you had your orders as the exchange of stories resumed.

"Oh yeah, how are you and Kid?" Cavendish asked. You hummed with a pursed smile until you weren't able to hold back your happy grin.

"Well, we're making a progress." You said cheerfully, almost holding a giggle.

The smile on the blonde's face faltered for a split second.

"Progress?" He repeated like he heard it wrong.

"Yes, it's not much but I'm just glad to say there's a progress."

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