Chapter 2

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"Alright, what's our cover story" Adam asked as he parked his truck "how did we end up here together?" he knew Kim was hoping to get into the Intelligence Unit and if Voight knew they were dating it wouldn't happen.

"We'll act like we came separately, it could work" she said as she undid her seatbelt, as he reached to open his door she grabbed his arm "wait" she kissed him before he got,out "once we get inside I can't do that, I needed one to hold me over" she smiled.

"Well, we don't have to stay long" Adam told her as he kissed her hand "hell, we don't even have to go in" he teased.

"Yes, we do" Kim joked and headed inside, Adam a couple of strides behind her.

"Look at that" Antonio said to Jay "check out who just walked in" he said noticing
Kim walk in Adam close behind.

"So?" Jay said as he looked over his shoulder, "big deal"

"I don't know Jay, something's up with those two" Antonio said as he took a sip of beer "they seem awful cozy lately"

"Shut up Dawson, you're like an old lady, always up in everybody's business" Erin said winking at Jay.

"I'm just sayin', something is up, just remember I called it" he tossed a handful of pretzels in his mouth.

"Whats up boys!" Adam said as he joined them at the bar, "Erin, how are you?" He said trying to keep his distance from Kim.

"All good here, how are you?" She asked as she noticed the glances Kim and Adam kept sharing and it was then she realized Antonio was on to something, but she wouldn't let Antonio know that.

"All sunshine and rainbows here, my friend" he smiled, he couldn't help himself he was falling head over heels in love with Kim Burgess and he couldn't do a damn thing to stop nor did he want to.

They talked at the bar for awhile, mostly talking shop it seemed whenever the group got together it was unavoidable.

"I need to use the ladies room" Kim said standing up "be right back"

"I'll come with" Erin said she needed to talk with Kim, she wanted to let Kim know she understood about hiding a relationship as it was exactly what she and Jay had been doing the last few months.

"Alright girl, spill it!" Erin said once they stepped foot in the ladies room " you and Ruzek, how long has that been going on" she asked watching Kim's face try to hide it "its all over Adam's face 'sunshines and rainbows' really who says that?" She laughed.

"Please don't say anything we would like to keep it on the DL" Kim begged "it's been a few months, it was after Wendy" she was embarrassed she didn't want Erin thinking she was the reason for their breakup.

"Wendy was a bitch" Erin said "we all hated her" the entire unit was thrilled when Adam told them the wedding was off "He deserved better, looks like he found it" she smiled.

"He's amazing Erin, he's the best" Kim said it felt good talking to someone about Adam she hadn't even told her sister or parents yet. "You promise you won't tell anyone?"

Erin smiled "well, can I tell one person?" she asked "he can keep a secret, especially since we are in the same boat" she hinted.

"Go, on" Kim said intrigued.

"Jay" Erin smiled "we've been seeing each other, and we aren't telling Voight" the man was like her father and he would kick Jay out of the unit if he knew they were dating.

The guys had started a game of pool when they came out of the ladies, "this should be fun" Kim said when she noticed how competitive they had gotten.

"No shortage of testosterone in the intelligence unit, that's for sure" Erin joked as the guys talked smack and hassled each other.

Kim went to the bar to get a drink, when she could of sworn she saw him, Erin was beside her "you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost?" She asked her.

Kim shook her head, it wasn't possible he had no idea that she lived in Chicago "just thought I saw someone I used to know, my mind is just playing tricks on me" she said "maybe it's the beer, we didn't eat before we got here"

Erin just looked at her, not totally buying her explanation "if you say so" she said as they took the drinks back to the table.

Kim was still uneasy, and it didn't go unnoticed by Adam, with Antonio and Jay involved in the game he took advantage of their distraction.

He walked up behind Kim and put his hand on the small of her back, causing her to jump, "it's just me, are you alright?" He asked as he traced circles on her back with his thumb.

"Yea, I'm good" she told him as she leaned back on his chest "just not feeling too good, I think it's the beer on an empty stomach"

"You want to go?" He asked hoping she would say yes "We can order some food and just hang out at your place" he whispered in her ear.

"Easy boy" she teased "you get any closer and our secret won't be so secret anymore" she told him as she stepped away from him.

He knew she saw him, how could she not have. Now, she was letting that bastard close to her it was as if she was taunting him.

He watched as they said good bye to the group they had been hanging out with, he read her lips and he was pretty sure she said she felt sick. He laughed to himself 'sick' yea right.

"Don't be mad at me" Kim said once they stepped outside, Adam looking confused "Erin knows about us" she blurted out.

Adam smiled "I'm not mad at all, but how does she know?" He asked her, he caught sight of the green van again out of the corner of his eye and stopped walking.

Kim was a few steps ahead of him and noticed he had stopped "what is it Adam?" She questioned.

Adam glanced back at the van, and then jogged up to where Kim was "I'm sure it's nothing it's just I've seen that van a lot the last couple of days, I'm just being a paranoid cop" he said taking her hand in his as they walked "how did Erin find out?"

Kim smiled " let me quote her 'sunshine and rainbows, who says that' is what she said when she asked me, she said it's written all over your face, Adam" Kim smiled at him.

Adam laughed throwing his hand up "I can't help it, Kim, I love you" he said.

"You what?" Kim asked making sure she heard him correctly "did you say what I think you just said?"

Adam took her hands in his "I love you Kim Burgess" he said "so, yes it's sunshine and rainbows here" he laughed.

Kim looked at him "I love you too, Adam, so much" she wrapped her arms around him.

He stood off to the side partially hidden behind a brick wall, he was not going to allow this to go on, that son of a bitch had no business putting his hands all over what belonged to him.

It was time Kim realized he was back, nobody dicked around Ray Thompson and got away with it,especially some broad.

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