Chapter 6

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Kim was up dressed before Ray had woken up, she was applying makeup to cover her bruises, when Ray walked in.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked her.

"My job" she said "I have to go to work" she said as she brushed past him.

"Don't be stupid Kim, I will be around" he said, he had given her back her phone but not before he installed a program in it that would forward him every text message she sent and everything she received "you may not see me, but I will see you" he told her.

"Fuck off" she said as she slammed the door and made her way to the 21st hoping she wouldn't run in to Adam, she didn't know if she would be strong enough.

Adam fought with the bottle of Tylenol struggling to get the lid to cooperate while it felt like a jackhammer had taken up residence in his head. Jay finally dropped off his keys, he took the aspirin before heading out

"Hey, you ok Ruzek?" Dawson asked him, the guy looked like shit."rough night?"

"Something like that" Adam huffed as he brushed by him and headed to the locker room hoping he would catch Kim, it was their usual meeting spot.

"Hey" he said when he spotted her in front of the mirror, something about her was different he couldn't place his finger on it but she was 'off'

Kim gasped, and whispered "hey" as she quickly tried to leave the locker room, Adam placing a hand on her shoulder stopping her.

"Can we talk?" Adam asked "please?"

"Adam, we have nothing to talk about" she said, fighting the urge to fall into his arms, she turned to leave when he grabbed her wrist.

Adam realized what was different, her right eye was swollen "what happened?" He asked his voice laced with concern.

"Huh?" She asked, trying to figure out how he knew. "What do you mean?"

"Your right eye, it's swollen" he said as he carefully touched it, she pulled back in obvious discomfort. "Tell me" he demanded as he sat her down on the bench.

"It's nothing Adam" she lied, she knew she was losing the battle with him, she stood to leave his hands grabbing her waist.

"Bullshit Kim" he said sitting her down "how did you do that?" He asked again "I won't ask again, and you aren't leaving until you tell me"

"I hit it on" she stammered, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Adam pulled her to him wrapping his arms around her "you need to tell me" he said as he felt her come apart in his arms "something is going on, let me help you"

"I can't" Kim said as she tried to move from his embrace "I can't" she repeated.

Adam sighed his suspicions growing "yes, you can tell me anything" he turned her so she was facing him "anything Kim, I mean it"

Kim grabbed his face and kissed him "I love you Adam, I didn't mean those things I said, he made me" she sobbed "I'm sorry"

"Who?" Adam asked "what do you mean?"

"My ex-husband, he's back"'she finally said relieved to have told him "he said he would kill you if I didn't break up with you, that I belonged to him"

Adam stood, rage building "did he hit you?" He asked her.

"Adam, I'm sorry, you can't do anything" she begged him "he'll kill you"

Adam was blind with rage, "stop apologizing Kim, this isn't your fault" he said as he held her, "where is he now?" he asked her.

"My apartment, I think but I don't know" she said "please stay away from him, he's dangerous"

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