Chapter 17

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Ray's neck was screaming, he had been driving for close to five hours he was counting the minutes until he was at his parents house. Sure, they drove him crazy, his mother especially but for some reason no matter what he did they always got him out of trouble.

As he finally reached their gated community, he entered their code and waited for the gates to open. Growing up, he hated living here his friends all loved it but sometimes he thought the only reason half those kids befriended him was because of the money his parents had.

His father rarely spoke to him as a kid, instead he just showered him with lavish gifts half the time it was shit he didn't even want. He remembered the first time he stole,he was at the video game store and he was shocked at how easy it was he just slipped it in his backpack and that was it. A few days later he tried it again, that time he was caught and his dad lost it. It was the first time his father said more than two words to him, it was that day he realized how to get his father's attention. His mother had a similar reaction but she was the one who made sure he didn't get in trouble, she always said 'we can't muddy the family name, Raymond' it made him want to throw up. He just figured, go big or go home and his behavior just escalated.

As he parked the car, he laughed at all of his father's cars lining the driveway, it was absurd.

"Oh, mother!" He called out in a sing song voice, "your precious Raymond is home!" He laughed as he tossed the keys on the bar, only his family had a bar in the fucking foyer of the house.

"Ray-Ray!" He heard a familiar friendly voice call him, smiling when he saw Luisa the family housekeeper.

"Hey Luisa" he smiled giving her a one armed hug.

"Your arm, what have you done to it?" She asked concern etched on her face, Luisa was the one constant good thing in the Thompson family each one of their three children loved her.

"Ah,this it's nothing" he said, "where's mother?" He didn't bother asking about his father's whereabouts he was sure it involved one of his father's many whores.

"Mrs. Thompson is at a business meeting, she should be home soon" she said as she finished polishing some of the China "here Ray-Ray, let me cook for you, your brother and sister are never home, so let me feed you!" She smiled and pinched his cheek. Sure, the Thompson children had their fair share of problems but she loved them in spite of it.

Raymond smiled and followed her into the kitchen, she was the one person he didn't want to know what he was really like, growing up he would dream she was his mother. He would have traded all of life's luxuries just to have her as his mother, when he was a little boy he would cry himself to sleep over it.

Kim had been up most of the night, every time she felt herself drift off to sleep visions of Adam covered in blood flashed in her minds eye it would jolt her awake and she finally gave up on sleep.

She made her way to the cafeteria, she checked her voice mail finally getting a message from Bob, they had been playing a serious game of phone tag ever since Adam woke up.

She quickly poured the coffee, and made her way back to Adam's room he was still out cold, Al and Hank talking softly with the patrolmen posted outside Adam's room.

"You need to lock this room down if you see Thompson" Hank told them, Kim gasping when she heard him.

"You still haven't found him?" She asked sipping the coffee.

"No, but we will" Al said "how's Adam?"

"He's exhausted and in some pain but he's okay" she told them "nothing on Ray at all?"

"Forensics found a trail of blood from the back of the store about for about 100 yards and it ends" Al sighed "we're pretty sure he stashed a car out back"

"Do you have any idea where he might go, any friends or family?" Hank asked, he really wanted to get his hands on this guy, he didn't take lightly to one of his guys getting shot.

Kim sighed "no telling, his family is from Detroit" she explained, she wasn't a fan at all his mother was over the top and his father was a womanizing pig which should have been her first clue that Ray would end up being the biggest mistake she ever made "Sarge, they're loaded, they could send Ray out of the country in heartbeat"

"Kim!" Adam called out, he was shocked when he woke up and she wasn't in the room.

"Hey, you" she said as she went to his side "Hank and Al are here, you up for a visit?" she asked him as she pulled the tray in front of him and poured him some orange juice.

He lifted the cup and took a few sips, the cold liquid soothing his scratchy throat from when they intubated him during the surgery "yeah, I need to thank them" he told her "wait" he grabbed her hand before she could leave his side.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Come here" he said and she stepped closer to him "no, closer" he said again.

She leaned in closer "what is it?"

He reached up and pulled her closer to him and kissed her "I love you, I would do anything for you" he told her.

"Adam" she said "I love you too, I don't know how I got so lucky" she said.

"I'm the lucky one Kim" he smiled.

"Hey, is this love fest over, we would like to come in" Al said from the doorway "how are you kid?" He asked.

"I'm okay, really tired but no complaints here" Adam smiled, as he shook Al's hand "thanks for everything guys" he said.

"No problem, we are going find the prick, Adam, count on it" Hank said "his ass will be waiting for you in the cage, so rest up and get better"

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