Chapter 14

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Ray made it to his room, his arm was killing him. They had fought over the gun the pretty boy getting the first shot off but he had the finally laugh as he put two in his scrawny ass. A smile spread across his face when he pictured Kim crying over the pretty boy's body, her tears always made him happy.

It was a good thing he had friends in low places, he knew he needed a doctor but he wasn't about to step foot in a hospital, the police would be on high alert after having one of their own killed. He had already called someone in, and they would take care of the wound, no questions asked.

He turned the television on hoping to catch the breaking news reports, as he flipped channels he landed on a press conference. It was a representative from the CPD police union, telling the different reporters that one of their own had been shot and was in critical condition but doctors were hopeful. He angrily turned the television off and threw the remote "damn it" he yelled.

This was not what he had planned.

"How come they haven't told us anything?" Kim asked Al, her hands still shaking. Adam looked so sick when they put him in the back of the ambulance and even Jay looked scared, Adam's blood all over Jay's hands and shirt.

Erin walked over with two coffees in her hands, she handed one to Al and offered the other to Kim who declined "he's stubborn as hell, Kim, he's not going to give up" she tried reassuring her friend.

"Have they found Ray, yet?" Kim asked.

Al sighed "not yet, but we will" he reassured her, "do you need anything?" He asked he hated hospitals and he felt helpless. Al felt responsible for Adam, pulling him out of the academy early to join the unit. "I need to know something" he said as he went to the desk. The glass partition was close, he tapped his knuckles against it "hey".

An older woman slid the partition "yes?" She asked obviously annoyed.

Al leaned his elbows on the counter, and put his head in the little window so she wouldn't be able to close it "how's Officer Adam Ruzek, he's been in the back awhile and we still haven't heard anything"

The lady typed Adam's name into the computer, her nails making an annoying sound each time she pushed a letter, it made Al's skin crawl.

"The doctor hasn't updated his chart, please go have a seat" she told as she waited for him to move his head so she could slide the glass over again.

"Damn it, lady" Al yelled his palms striking the counter top "you better find something out, he's like a son to me!" his voice cracking.

Antonio got up and went to him "Al, c'mon" he said leading him back to the waiting area "sit with Kim, she's all alone"

"Talk to me Jay"'Erin said when she finally tracked Jay down, he had been outside in the ambulance bay since Adam had arrived.

He was sitting down leaning against the wall his elbows resting on his knees, "babe, there was so much blood" he said his shirt still covered in blood. He rested is head on the wall "how is he?"

Erin sat down beside him, resting her head on his shoulder and taking his hand in her's "we don't know, they haven't said anything" she sighed "Kim's a mess, Jay, I don't know what to do for her"

"Nothing we can do but wait with her" Jay said standing up, pulling Erin up with him "let's go inside" he said, "Kim needs us".

Kim saw Adam's father enter the hospital, she only met him once and that was before they started dating, he was still with Wendy.

"Kim?" Bob Ruzek called out when he saw her sitting with Al "how is my son?" He asked her.

"They haven't told us anything yet" Kim said as she stood up, "this is all my fault, I'm so sorry" she cried.

"Oh, sweetie" Bob said as he pulled her into his arms "don't say that, Adam told me about your ex" he sighed "Adam loves you, he has told me how happy you make him" he smiled "he did what he needed to do to keep you safe"

The doctor finally emerged from the room Adam was in, he ripped his mask and gloves off tossing them in the red container "Adam Ruzek's family out here?" He asked.

Kim and Bob rushing to him, "he's my son, how is he?" Bob asked Kim clutching Bob's hand.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private" he said leading them to a room "sit" he said as he closed the door behind him.

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