Chapter 3

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"Are you sure you can't stay?" She asked Adam as they lay in bed "please?" She said.

"I wish I could but I have to go in really early and all my stuff is at my apartment" he told her as he got up and got dressed "I hate leaving you, and I hate hiding us" he told her as he pulled her up on her knees and hugged her "I won't the world to know how much I love you" kissing her forehead.

Kim thought about it for a minute "maybe one day, we can tell everyone but it sure is fun sneaking kisses and being all secretive at work" she teased. "Go, now while I'm strong if you linger any longer I don't know if I will be able let you go"

Adam kissed her once more "alright, I'm going" he headed towards the door "see you tomorrow, yea?"

"Of course" she told him "Adam, I love you"

"I love you too" he replied as he started to pull the door closed "lock it" he said as it shut.

Ray watched him leave, he waited until he pulled away from the parking lot before he went inside.

He found the door to her unit and covered the peep hole with his hand before he knocked, he only had to knock once before he heard her unlock the door.

Kim laughed when she heard the knock on the door, assuming it was Adam she quickly pulled a robe on and pulled the door open "Ada--" she started to say and she wanted to throw up when she saw it was Ray. "What do you want?" She sneered.

"Now, Kim is that the way to welcome me?" Ray asked as he pushed his way in "Adam, is that his name?" He said as he sat down "does he know what a whore you are?"

"Get out Ray!" Kim demanded, she thought he was gone from her life.

"Now, now" he said as he stood up and tried to take her hand "you know as well as I do I'm not going anywhere"

Kim pulled her hand away "don't touch me, what do you want?" Her skin crawling, it had been five years and suddenly it all came rushing back. The fights, how he would come home drunk and smack her around. He was what made her become a police officer their last fight being the catalyst, she wasn't going to be his victim anymore and she would do whatever she could to help other women.

"Don't be so stupid, you know what I want, and you really need to tell this Adam guy it's over between you two" he told her "you're mine, the divorce wasn't my idea"

"You're out of your fucking mind Ray, I'm not your property" Kim said as she reached for her cellphone "and I'm not telling Adam that, he's a police officer you know" she told him.

Ray cackled an evil laugh "you think I'm afraid of his scrawny ass?" He laughed as he sat on the kitchen counter "listen, we can do this two ways, break it off with Officer Scrawny Ass and we try again or I take out Officer Scrawny Ass out and we try again" he said playing with a knife from the knife block "you decide what happens to the pretty boy, either way we're trying again"

"You wouldn't!" Kim yelled, but she knew better.

"Have you forgotten, I get what I want one way or another" he said, as he put the knife away "I'm beat, sleeping in a van sucks where's our bedroom?" He asked.

"Down the hall" she said defeated "I'm not sleeping with you" she said as she sat on the couch.

"Fine, for tonight but we will see how long that lasts, oh and I'll take your cellphone please" he said as he cut the phone line "we won't be calling the pretty boy tonight"

As he went down the hall, Kim sat on the couch and cried and she realized Adam had mentioned seeing a van around the last few days, and she was angry with herself for not being more observant. It was just that she had dropped her guard where Ray was concerned and it came back to bite her in the ass. "I'm so sorry Adam" she said to herself when she realized what she needed to do.

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