Chapter 5

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Adam sat in his truck "what the hell?" He asked himself, he was thrown. He sped off and headed to Molly's he needed a drink or ten.

As he entered the bar he saw Jay and Erin sitting at a table in the back, "at least they're happy" he thought to himself.

He ordered a couple of shots, downing them in quick succession, and ordered a few more repeating the cycle a few more times.

"What's that all about?" Erin asked Jay as she pointed at Adam "he's gonna be three sheets to the wind in fifteen minutes he keeps that pace up"

"Let me go talk to him" Jay said as he stood up, Adam looked angry.

"Ruzek, you should pace yourself a bit man" Jay joked sitting on the stool next to him "who pissed in your cheerios?" Jay asked as he ordered himself a beer.

"Go back to your girl, Halstead" Adam told him, not in the mood to talk, with anyone.

"No" Jay said as the bartender set two more shots in front of Adam, Adam quickly downing them "hey, he's cut off" Jay told the bartender.

"Seriously Halstead?" Adam snapped "you my fucking father?" Adam yelled standing up too quickly nearly falling over bracing himself against the bar to keep from falling.

"No, Ruzek" he said "I'm your friend man, what's up" Jay said jerking his head so Erin would come over to the bar.

"Hey Adam" Erin said "you want me to call Kim to come get you?" She asked as she patted his back.

"Don't call her, she just stomped on my heart" Adam said slurring his words "we're done" he said "if this bar isn't gonna serve me I will go across the street" he said trying to get past Jay.

"No, you're not going anywhere" Erin led him to their table still in shock over what Adam had disclosed "can you bring him some food and water" she asked a waitress "anything that'll soak up all the vodka he just downed"

Adam sat at the table "she said she lied, that she doesn't love me, only said it because I did" his words running together "why would she say that Erin?"

Erin was throughly confused, Kim was raving about Adam last night that "Adam that doesn't make sense" she said "Kim was telling me last night how amazing you have been"

"See what I'm saying I don't get it" he whispered as he ate the bread the waitress brought him "I gotta talk to her" he said pulling his phone out.

Jay grabbed it from him "not drunk off your ass your not" he said taking the phone out of his hands "gimme your keys too" Jay demanded holding his hand out.

"Nah, I will be fine to drive in a bit" Adam said as he finished off the glass of water.

"Like hell you will, I will drive your truck to your place and Erin will follow" Jay said as he tossed a couple of twentys on the table to cover their food and Adam's bar tab. "Let's go"

Adam stumbled to his truck and climbed in the passenger seat "I love her Jay, how could she do this to me?" He asked his anger replaced with hurt.

"I don't know man, sober up and talk to her in the morning" Jay told him after dropping him off and keeping his keys so he wouldn't leave.

"He okay?" Erin asked when Jay got in her car.

"No,he's a wreck" Jay told her "you need to talk to her babe, find out what's going on" Jay said as he kissed her hand.

"I will" Erin said.

Kim was miserable, she was worried about Adam she wanted to call him but she knew it would be a mistake.

"Just how long do I have to watch you sulk over this ass?" Ray asked her as he ate "listen, think of it this way I just saved you the heartbreak when he would wise up and leave you" he said "I'm the only one willing to put up with your shit"

Kim glared at him "I'm not the same person I was five years ago, you can't make me feel worthless" she said, having overcome all the emotional abuse she had suffered at his hands "you're the worthless bastard"

Ray stood up flinging the chair backwards, "you are pretty mouthy" he said "this will teach you to keep that mouth shut" he said as he backhanded her knocking her to the ground. "Now, clean this shit up" he yelled after flipping the table over knocking everything on the floor.

After cleaning it up she cried herself to sleep on the couch, Adam's face the last she saw in her minds eye before falling asleep.

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