Chapter 24

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Lyle had just finished his run, he was walking towards the guest house when he heard the first shot, he turned around and couldn't believe what he saw. The second shot hitting him right between the eyes, his legs buckling and he fell to the ground.

Luisa was gathering the laundry throughout the grounds, she had just left the pool house when she heard the first shot. She quickly grabbed the phone and called for the police.

Luisa carefully made her way to the main house, she ran inside and locked the door, and waited for the police to arrive.

One Week Later

"Adam, wake up" Kim shook him, "Adam!" She said louder.

Adam sat up "is everything okay?"

"Voight just called, Ray's father was murdered" she said, "Ray's in custody, he confessed he killed his father" for the first time in weeks it she felt at ease. She hated Ray's father from the first day she had met him. Ray had barely left the room and Lyle hit on her, from that day one just the sound of Lyle's voice made her skin crawl "it's finally over, Adam"

Adam pulled her close to him, he could feel her begin to cry "you never have to think about him again I love you" he told her.

"I love you too" she said as she rested her head on his chest, "the day you came into my life was the day I wasn't broken anymore"

Evelyn signed in as a visitor, and waited her turn to go through the metal detector, once cleared she was led to a small cubicle. She waited for what seemed like an eternity Raymond finally appearing on the other side of the glass.

Raymond picked the phone up "mother" he said, as she picked the phone up tears filled her eyes she opened her mouth to speak Ray stopping her "don't" he told her, knowing what she wanted to say but he wouldn't allow it not when these conversations would be recorded. "I needed to do it" he told her.

After their visit Evelyn sat in her car, she cried for all the years she let Lyle harm her and her children, finally realizing how broken Raymond was.

She didn't regret shooting Lyle, but she would always regret the way she failed Raymond and how she let him take the fall.


Ugh, I really lost my mojo on this story, it didn't pan out exactly how I envisioned it, but I felt I owed those who had been reading it to finish it.

Thanks for reading!


Brokenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें