Chapter 7

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Ray started pacing the apartment something was wrong, Kim should have been home hours ago. "You dumb bitch" he said as he grabbed the keys to his van, once in the van he pulled the gun from his glovebox he slid the clip in and stuck it in his waistband.

"Hope you're ready to bury the pretty boy" he muttered as he sped away.

"Hey, I need everyone for a bit before you leave" Voight said as he pulled out the whiteboard "this involves one of our own, please give me twenty minutes and then you can all leave" he told them as he noticed their aggravation at having to stay longer.

He stuck the mugshot on the board "this is Ray Thompson, from Detroit Michigan he's currently in our lovely city" he sat on the desk "he also happens to be Kim Burgess' ex-husband and he's a prick" he finished.

"Wait, what?" Erin asked "this is the first I've heard of Kim being married" she told them.

"He's been stalking her, and while I may be violating their privacy" Hank explained "they came to me with this so I imagine it's okay to share, Kim and Ruzek are together have been for a few months now, anyway he's threatened Ruzek's life said Kim needed to end it with him, or Thompson would kill him"

"Boss, what do we do?" Dawson asked "and just so everyone knows I called it, I knew Ruzek and Burgess had something going on" he said.

"We know Antonio" Jay laughed "Ruzek isn't gonna let this go boss" he said.

"I know, that's why we need to find him before Ruzek does" Voight said "from my understanding Kim is staying with Ruzek until we get this guy, Erin I want you and Halstead to check on them, see if they need anything"

"Will do" Erin was happy to do it, she needed to talk to Kim "I'm driving Halstead" she winked at him.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" he said as they made their way to the car "that's wild about Burgess, she never told you?" He asked as they got in the car.

"Honest?" Erin said putting her seatbelt on and backing out "we never really talked much, but this is crazy"

"Yeah, Ruzek has to be freaking out" he said "I know if it was you, I want to kill the guy with my bare hands" he said.

"Down, boy" she joked.

"Erin, I'm serious" Jay told her.

Adam heard the knock on the door and carefully slid Kim off his chest, and stood up he grabbed a blanket and covered Kim before answering the door. "Halstead, Erin" he said "come on in, Kim's sleeping" he said as they went and sat in the kitchen.

"How is she?" Erin asked "Voight told us, the guy sounds like a real piece of shit"

"That he is, she's alright" Adam said running his hands through his hair "I'm not, I want to find this guy and beat the living shit out of him"

"You can't" Jay said "she needs you more than you need to kick that prick's ass" he said "I guess this explains why she broke it off with you the other night"

"It does, I knew it made no sense" he said thinking about that night "thanks for not letting me drown my sorrows in vodka by the way" embarrassed by his actions that night "I was a mess"

"Adam!" Kim called out, Adam rushed out of the kitchen.

"Yea?" He said as he kneeled in front of the couch "it's okay, you're safe" he told her "Jay and Erin are here, they're in the kitchen"

"Hey guys" Kim said when she joined them in the kitchen.

Erin stood and hugged her "you okay?" She asked.

"I am now that Adam knows, he told me about Molly's, thank you for being there for him" she hated that he had hurt him even for a short time.

"Not a problem at all" Jay replied "do you guys need anything, Voight wants you guys to lay low"

"I think we are okay, I have some clothes here, plus what I had in my locker at work so I should be okay for a few days" Kim was hoping that's all it would be.

Ray finally gave up and drove back to Kim's apartment, he was positive she was with Officer Scrawny Ass, he wish he had his last name he would figure it out and then he would take care of business.

He went through her closet destroying her clothes, he started ripping pictures and breaking things, he was going to teach her a lesson.

Adam couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried, Kim was out cold her head on his chest, the rhythm of her breathing the only thing keeping him calm. When Kim washed her face before bed and he saw the bruising near her eye and around her jaw he lost it.

He had gone as far as grabbing his gun and car keys and was almost out the door when her voice finally broke through the haze of his anger and snapped him out of it, she begged him not leave and he gave in and held her while she cried and made him promise he wouldn't go near Ray.

But now, lying here awake he wasn't sure he could keep that promise, just the thought of that animal hurting Kim was enough to make him seethe.

At some point in the early hours of the morning he drifted off to sleep, Ray Thompson filled his head and his dreams.

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