Chapter 12

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Ray leaned over Adam, smiling at his latest knockout "listen, I'm gonna need a little help with this one" he said into the phone "it's a cop, c'mon you'll have a blast and it pays well" finally convincing the person on the other end of the line.

He decided he was going to mix things up and totally changed his plans, he waited for the two guys to show up, Adam had moaned a few times and each time Ray hit him again. "Just stay out"'he said to Adam after the third time.

Kim lost track of time once the delivery men had dropped off the new mattress, she went to work trying to clean the bedroom up. She checked her phone and heard nothing from Adam which wasn't unusual when intelligence had a case. She quickly put away the last remaining items and decided she would go to Adam's and start dinner for him. The man could eat Lucky Charms for every meal if he had it his way, so she wanted to cook for him he deserved a nice home cooked meal and one that wasn't cooked in a microwave or poured from a box.

Adam's truck wasn't parked in his spot when she got there so she parked her car in it and grabbed the groceries out of the trunk. Once inside she turned the radio on and started getting dinner ready.

Ray met the guys at the door, "Joe, Pete" he greeted them "you ready to have some fun?" he asked as he led them to where Adam was still out cold on the floor. "Listen I need to get this son of a bitch in my car" he told them "I'm thinking in the trunk possibly"

Joe looked at Ray, "no way man, if he comes to in the trunk he could get out" he said "newer cars have those glow in the dark handles, you know in case little kids climb in the trunk that way they can get out" he told him.

"Shit" Ray said "I didn't know that, good looking out Joe" he thought for a minute before responding "we can hog tie his ass" he laughed at the irony "that's funny hog tying a pig"

The other men both laughing, "Ray, what did this guy do to you?" Pete asked "not that I won't enjoy beating the shit out of him, but what did he do?"

Ray looked at Adam again "he's sleeping with my wife" he told them conveniently leaving off the 'ex' part, "so now they are both going to suffer"

"Whatever, I don't care" Pete said shrugging his shoulder "it'll be fun to kick his ass"

"Oh, no," Ray said, "he's a dead man, and my wife is going to watch" he smiled, Kim deserved it she never should have left him the first place.

"I want no part of killing a cop Ray, no fucking way" Joe said, "I'll help you get him wherever you want but I'm not killing him" he said holding his hands up.

"That's fine, you can leave, you both can once my wife gets to where we are taking him" he said as the two men hog tied Adam "now lets get him in the car"

Kim glanced at the clock on the microwave it was almost seven, she thought for sure he would be home by now or at least he would have called to let her know what was going on.

They dropped Adam on the floor in the abandoned store front, he grunted when he hit the floor, this time Ray was going to allow him to wake up what fun would it be if Adam was out cold.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey" Ray taunted Adam, "how's it going pretty boy?" Ray asked as he crouched down in front of Adam enjoying every minute.

Adam tried to move, "fuck!" He shouted when he realized he was hog tied his head pounding his shirt covered in blood that had been dripping from his temple."wheres Kim?" He panicked, "you hurt her and I will kill you"'he said his shoulders aching as he tried to break free from the restraints.

Ray laughed "don't waste your energy, you won't be able to get out of that" he laughed, "Kim isn't here yet" he smiled "but she will be soon, once I send her this text I'm typing"

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