Chapter 15

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"Shit man, that hurts" Ray yelled as he was stitched up.

"My god, you're such a pussy" he snarled "if you didn't want it to hurt you should have gone to the hospital" Chad said as he finished up.

"Fuck you man, if I went to the hospital" he said "I'd be in lock up right now" he finally relaxed his shoulder stitched, the bullet just going through the meat of his shoulder.

"Here are some antibiotics" Chad said as he tossed him the bottle, "make sure you take them" he cleaned up his surgical tools and washed his hands "so, it's 3500 dollars"

Ray grabbed the cash from the safe in the room, "you don't talk about this to anyone, you understand?"

"Talk about what?" Chad winked as he headed for the door.

"That's what I'm talking about" Ray smiled, once Chad was gone he climbed in the bed, took two aspirin and tried to get comfortable. He was pretty bummed that it looked like the pretty boy would live. He knew he needed to lay low and go about this from a different angle, finally he decided to head to Detroit and visit his parents in the morning.

"I'm Dr. Taylor, I'm one of the trauma doctors here" he told them pausing to take a drink of water "Adam's in serious condition" he paused, he loved his job but this, this seriously sucked it never got easier. "He has two gunshot wounds, one to his abdomen which isn't our main concern, it was through and through" he told them "we are very concerned about his leg, he was hit in the thigh the bullet clipped his femoral artery" he watched as them as they processed the information "Dr.Wilkins our best trauma surgeon is working on him now, he is surgery and they are trying to repair the artery" he finished "I will let you know when I have more information" he finished.

With that he was up and out of the room, his bedside manner needed serious work.

Bob and Kim sat in silence for a few minutes "I can't" Kim said as she stood and left the office, heading straight outside, needing to breathe fresh air.

Bob went and filled the rest of the intelligence unit in, no one leaving until they knew Adam would be okay.

"Where is Kim?" Al asked as he searched the waiting room for her "has anyone seen her?" with Ray still out there somewhere he didn't want her alone. "I need to go find her" he couldn't help Adam but he could help Kim, he owed Adam that much.

He went out the front doors and searched the pavilion, he heard muffled sobs and followed the sound. He saw her sitting on the ground her knees drawn to her chest hugging her legs. "Kim" he said as he sat down and pulled her into his arms "shh, it's going to be okay, Adam will be okay"

"It's all because of me, Al, all of it" she said, maybe Ray was right she was not worth it and Adam would realize it soon.

"Just stop, this is no one's fault but Ray Thompson's"'Al said sternly "Adam loves you, and this is how Adam would have wanted it to play out, he didn't want you hurt" he told her "he protected you" he smiled "you know, I thought you and Adam would hook up, when I saw him with you after the explosion at the charity marathon" he smiled "he just needed to realize it, and thankfully wicked witch Wendy called the wedding off"

Kim smiled briefly, "I will never understand why she let Adam go" she wiped her eyes "he's the most amazing man, Al, sometimes I don't think I deserve him"

The saw Jay running towards them "the surgery's done" he told them trying to catch his breath "the surgeon is on his way to talk to us"

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