Chapter 18

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One Week Later

"It's about time" Adam said when he signed the discharge papers, "I'm so over this place" he said as he leaned back in the bed. The injury to his abdomen healing with out major surgical intervention and his femoral artery healed nicely following surgery.

"I will drop you off at your place, before I run to my place and the store to pick up some groceries your cabinets are bare" Kim said as she packed the few things he had in his duffel bag. "I need to grab my shampoo and conditioner the stuff you use is awful, and I would like to eat something other than Lucky Charms" she laughed.

"I will go with you" he said as he stood up gingerly, and sat in the chair tired of sitting in a bed.

"No, you won't" she smiled at him "the last thing you should be doing is grocery shopping" she told him

"He's still on the loose, Kim, you aren't going anywhere alone" he said "It ain't happening" he told her.

Ray sat at the bar a few of his old friends had come in, they started a game of darts each trying to one up the other. "Anyone know somebody looking for some work?" He asked, he was trying to get a feel on what his friends would be willing to do.

"What kind of work?" one of the guys asked, Ray didn't know him, well they had a mutual friend.

"A special kind, it requires discretion" Ray told him, he knew what he wanted to do.

"Really Kim, I have to drive this thing?" He asked when she made him get in the motorized scooter at them grocery store "this is embarrassing" he said.

"If you insist on coming with me, your ass isn't walking" she told him as she lifted the arm rest for him "now sit your cute ass down"

"My image is taking a serious hit here" he joked "I better not see anyone I know, I will never hear the end of it"

As they shopped Adam kept putting junk food in the cart, "really Adam, you would think you were 12 years old, how many gatorades do you need?" She asked "and all these cookies, I'm not surprised that you have to go to the gym all the time"

They finished up and made their way to the registers, when Kim spotted her, "oh lovely"'she muttered under her breath.

"What?" Adam asked, "oh" when he spotted her.

"Oh my goodness Adam!" Wendy said when she saw him "I heard on the news, are you okay?" She asked him, a man standing beside her.

"I'm fine" he was short with his reply, "Ty" he greeted the man next to her.

"You ready darlin'?" Adam asked Kim.

"Yep" she said as they headed to the register, "is it just me or did she look rather pregnant?" she asked as she did the math in her head, Wendy left Adam seven months ago.

"I know what you're thinking, and it's not" Adam replied, "its the guy she was with Ty, it's his kid" he explained "My relationship with Wendy was over a long time before she called off the wedding"

" Ty, who is he?" Kim asked as she placed the last bag of groceries in the cart and paid.

"Ty, was a really good friend of mine" he said "but he hasn't been in awhile" he said "I don't want to talk about them, let's go home" he said as one of the employees handed him his crutches "thank you"

"So, you're in?" Ray asked Eric, "you won't go soft on me?"

"Nah, I'm good" Eric smiled "I need the cash"

Ray set up another time for them to meet he needed to work out a few things out, he had underestimated the pretty boy the first go round and he wasn't going to let that happen again.

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