233: Judge and Jury

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"Oh, crap," Emerald said, just as the other girls were about ready to go. "I don't think this fits properly..." She was staring at the dress.

"Did it get torn?" Weiss came to inspect it.

"Maybe. I mean, I did try to put my knives on inside it..." Emerald said.

"Yeah, you tore it all right." Weiss shook her head. "Emerald!"

"What? I wasn't just going unarmed!" Emerald felt embarrassed.

"You ripped it right next to the zipper," Weiss said. "I don't see how we can fix it... Maybe if we used pins..."

"I think it's too big for that," Pyrrha worried. "Anyone know how to sew?"

They all shook their heads at her.

"There's no time anyway," Ruby said.

"Cinder could," Emerald said. "But I don't think she would."

"Could she?" Weiss said. "Seriously? That wasn't just a joke when Alicia gave her that?"

"No, Cinder actually made alterations to our outfits for the other dance," Emerald said, "and her own. I think she makes most of her own clothes. She sews dust into them, too."

"I remember that," Ruby said.

"Huh, I wouldn't think she'd do anything that quiet," Yang said.

"Uh... actually stabbing something with a sharp object is just the kind of thing I'd picture Cinder doing for fun," Blake said.

"She is fast, though," Emerald said. 

"It wouldn't hurt to ask her," Pyrrha said.

Emerald reluctantly texted Cinder's scroll.

To their surprise, Cinder actually appeared in the hallway only a few minutes later.

She didn't look happy about it, but...

"Let me see," she said shortly.

Emerald had taken it off and put on a robe instead.

"It's fixable..." Cinder said sourly. "It'll take a few minutes."

"We can wait that long," Pyrrha said.

"Just hurry," Yang urged. "I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be there right at 5 o'clock sharp. The real fun starts once the sun is down, though, but of course Theo won't let us be late for the boring stuff. He's gotta make his 'good impression'." She made air quotes.

"It's the least we can do," Pyrrha said.

"Why do we owe him, anyway? He started this off by betraying us," Weiss complained.

"Well, it's not just for him, it's for our families too," Pyrrha said.

Cinder rolled her eyes as she took out a needle and thread and started to sew.

She was fast. They were amazed at how little time it took her to fix the dress.

"So... are you coming?" Emerald said tentatively.

Cinder was wearing a dress, so it was a fair question.

"Don't I have to?" Cinder replied very ungraciously.

"You don't have to," Weiss said. "But it was recommended."

"If I don't, they'll think I'm skipping town and arrest me anyway," Cinder replied.

"Did you like the dress at least?" Emerald asked nervously. "I guess you made some changes."

Cinder had, in fact, done so.

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