BC120: Deliverance Day (Heroes)-7

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The pavillion was brightly lit and decorated even more lavishly than it had been the first time. This time it also had signs everywhere proclaiming that it was the 5th anniversary.

Oscar was waiting for the others to arrive. His aunt had visited again, partially to see Theo and see if Vara was all right, and really to see Oscar, since he "never came home."

"I thought at least by now," she told him, "if you were going to stay away it would be to marry that little black-haired girl with the doe eyes."

Oscar flushed. "Aunt Em! Please, it's not like that."

"Yet," Theo tossed at him. "We all know it's coming, coz."

"Shut up," Oscar said.

"What is taking those ladies so long?" Theo wondered.

The other guys were filtering in.

"Wow, this is nice," Royal said in undisguised shock.

"You didn't think it would be, huh?" Mercury said.

"Truth be told, given what kingdom we're in, I thought pavilion meant a tent with some lights in it," Royal said.

"Don't be a snob, Zapato," Theo sniffed. "We have class here. Nice get up, by the way."

Royal had dressed up also. In the more formal military uniform.

He shrugged. "Thought I might as well look the part. Raven said they might talk about the tribe being defeated tonight, to boost morale, and if we're filmed, I wanted to look good."

"I always look good," Mercury said, "so no need to worry there." He smoothed his hair jauntily.

"Oh, to have your blind confidence, Black," Royal said dryly.

"Hmpf, speaking of confidence, what is the deal with you and Cinder?" Mercury said. "She swore that you didn't have a fight, but you've been avoiding her."

"We didn't fight, I'm just giving her some space," Royal said. "Miss Likstar suggested it."

"Wait...she did?" Mercury got a very odd look. "She told you to?"

"Yeah...so?" Royal said.

"That...sly vixen!" Mercury exclaimed.

"You shouldn't say that about your teacher," Royal said.

"Unbelievable," Mercury muttered to himself. "And she never said a d----d word. Let us make fools of ourselves."

"What are you on about?" Royal asked.

"Nothing, forget about it." Mercury straightened. "Just talk to Cinder then."

"I don't know if she's ready."

"Oh, quit dragging your feet," Mercury said. "Do you want her to leave? She could sneak away tonight and fly back to Eurus like she did the last time. She's got a habit of disappearing at parties." [If you think about it, that's true on the canon show also.]

"Do you think she's planning to do that?" Royal said with more concern.

"She might be," Mercury said. "Especially if she thinks you're pissed at her."

"Who said I was pissed? I was amiable," Royal protested.

Then he paused. "I mean, I did have some words about Esmeralda, but I was just a little concerned. I didn't mean anything bad by it."

"Oh sure, you were concerned about another woman," Mercury said, flat. "That'll help smooth things over. And they say I'm bad at this. You're so dumb, Fly Boy."

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