BC117: Deliverance Day (Heroes)-4

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The next day came with no decision for Cinder.

Oddly, no one else was dropping by the Arcs'. She went back to her own apartment briefly to get more clothes, but it was too quiet and too easy to think about unpleasant things, so she went back to hang out with Esmeralda more.

That day Esmeralda wanted to see more of the edge of the city.

Shine kindly came with them this time, leaving Grace in Wally's care. Wally said he was okay with resting, since they'd be going to a party the next day.

Pyrrha was convinced to take the day off by Jaune, but she elected to visit Nora.

Libby was still in Argus also, and she'd dropped by to see Whitley--as well as Kline and Willow, with Weiss in tow.

Whitley, who had not seen Libby since break and had been surprised then at how much taller she was, became kind of flustered when she was even taller now and also had matured more. She'd been growing kind of slow compared to the other girls in her age range, probably because of poor nutrition for so many years and bad health, but the change had finally seemed to catch up with her, and she'd gone from a skinny girl to nearly a grown woman in the last few months.

Whitley himself, as Weiss complained about, was as tall as his father now and had filled out finally to almost looking full grown, dwarfing both his sisters, though Winter said she could still beat him easily in any show of strength.

Libby seemed a little surprised to notice this also.

"I forget that technically we're both adults," she remarked.

"Your accent is less," Whitley noticed.

"I suppose I've finally picked up the ghastly way of speaking that Vale has," Libby said. "You don't sound so posh."

"It's Argus," Whitley said. "They're far less couth than Atlas was."

Libby rolled her eyes. "Well, you could do with a bit less polish."

"You could do with a bit more," Whitley shot back, warming to the usual banter.

"Maybe both of you are just reaching an equal point," Weiss said.

"My word, Weiss, to hear that from the one who's gone Vacuo," Libby said. "Do you swear now?"

"Only when it's really deserved," Weiss huffed. "I'm sure it's because all of them swear like it's nothing. You stop hearing it."

"You've grown up nicely, Liberty," Willow said. "And you're quite pretty now."

"Oh, go on," Libby said, bashfully. "I don't suppose I'll ever be prim and proper enough to be a lady, but I do all right. They aren't so partial over there. I admit, though, it's a little dull after the...temperamental nature of the Schnees."

"You'll be graduating soon, right?" Weiss said.

"Spring." Libby had started a little ahead thanks to her prior experience.

"I hope you'll come back here when you have," Klein said kindly. "I miss your repartee, Miss Broom."

"Oh, can't let you have all the fun," Libby said. "That is, if Master Whiteley actually still has an opening."

Whitley pretended to look annoyed. "I suppose we might find one for you, if we dig around."

They also dropped by to visit Winter so Libby could see the twins; she'd hardly seen them at all on her last visit. They were getting a little more mobile now...and causing more trouble because of it.

While they all were doing this, Shine insisted that she and Cinder take Esmeralda to the sea.

"If you have never seen it, you haven't really lived, in my mind," she said. "True California girl there."

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