BC118: Deliverance Day (Heroes)-5

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The following day most of the team, plus their entourage, flew to Vacuo.

Well, Shine and Wally portaled there, and they took a lot of people with them. Blake, her parents, Sun, and Illea all came separately, and Raven brought herself and Hazel once she was ready.

Shine brought the bulk of them to Vara, since Theo insisted on it.

Vara was waiting for them outside Shade, and the blast of dry heat was like a slap in the face after the cold autumn of Argus.

"Yikes, that's like an oven," Ben said.

"This doorway of yours is fascinating," Esmeralda said, looking around for it and seeing it had already snapped shut. "How do you do that?"

"Truthfully? I hardly know myself," Shine said. "I just think it and it happens, now. Once it wasn't so easy."

"I can do it too, if you were wondering," Wally said. "I like Shine's better though. They're nicer looking."

"Kind of like how you look in the flesh then," Theo said to him jovially before going up to Vara and kissing her. "How's the baby?"

"Ready to come out." Vara tapped her stomach. "I feel like it could be any second. It'd be a little early, but considering how big he already is, I have a feeling he's as impatient as his daddy."

"Is it a boy?" Neptune asked, politely.

"Well, we still really don't know," Theo said. "We made the doctor swear not to tell us, but in my heart, I feel it is."

"If it's not," Vara said, "I'm going to have a time of it teaching her ladylike behavior."

"What would you know about that?" Winter asked.

"I see you brought your little carbon copies," Vara said, as the twins were being held by their parents. "Nice to finally see them. They look just like you already."

"Well, they're lucky then," Qrow said.

Winter didn't even notice he'd used the taboo word this time; she was too busy watching Vara like a hawk to make sure she wouldn't try to pick them up.

"So are you going to stop at two or go for a whole set?" Vara asked next.

"Isn't two enough at a time?" Qrow said. "Who could handle more than that?"

"He said, standing next to someone who has been watching up to 12 or 20 teens or kids at a time," Shine said. "And my own. That's so weak, Qrow."

"Then I will concede that you're the stronger person," Qrow said.

"No argument there," Mercury remarked. "I guess we must be early. I don't see any fireworks."

"Not yet," Vara said. "There's still a few hours till sunset, but I'm glad you're here. I need help. This heat is making me feel sick anyway... Who's this girl?" She looked at Esmeralda.

"This is Es." Yang already was using the nickname. "Esmeralda, that is. Mala's younger sister. Happily, the survivor of that skirmish."

"Who did that to your face?" Vara asked, bluntly.

"My sister and my father," Esmeralda said flatly.

"Did you get them back for it?" Vara asked, with a wince.

"No, but their actions have punished them in their own time," Esmeralda said.

"Hmm...can you fight?" Vara asked.

"Not really," Esmeralda said.

"Are you smart?"

"Do you mind?" Cinder interjected.

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