BC84: Consumed (Menagerie)-3

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[Opener--"Paranoia" by Neoni--Yeah, I got plenty of songs about this.]

There was at least a medic in the ship's sick bay. They had thought someone might need them.

Though they yelped when Pyrrha shoved the door open hard, like they thought it was a Grimm.

"Oh...it's just you, Mrs. Arc," they said.

"Hello," Pyrrha said. "We have a problem. My friend--she inhaled a lot of smoke."

Mercury appeared behind her. She helped him get Emerald inside.

"We have oxygen," the medic said at once. "I can check her vitals."

They put her on one of the cots.

Emerald was breathing kind of shallow still.

Pyrrha pursed her lips but put a hand on Mercury's shoulder.

After a few tense minutes, the medic said, "She's looking good, all things considered. Her Aura's low, and she won't be fighting for a while, but I think she'll be okay, no permanent damage. I mean, you'd need better stuff than we have here to be really sure, but I don't see any really bad signs. The oxygen will help. She'll probably wake up soon."

"I wish we could wait till she does, but they need us out there." Pyrrha was saying this more to Mercury.

Mercury glanced at her.

"We have a job," Pyrrha said firmly. "You know that."

Mercury frowned.

Pyrrha half expected him to say he didn't care about anyone else and he'd just stay here--and she wasn't sure how she'd pry him away if he did.

But then he sighed. "Yeah, fine. You won't leave her here alone, right?"

"No," the medic said. "I have to stay anyway, in case... No one else wanted to be in here. But I think all the shots left in here are normal ones...I hope, anyway."

"Those ones?" Pyrrha pointed at the open cabinet.

"Yeah," the medic said.

Pyrrha picked them up. "We'll just toss them overboard, problem solved."

"I guess we could do that too..." the medic muttered.

Pyrrha and Mercury rushed back to the deck.

"Grimm." Mercury looked over the side and pointed.

"Yeah," Pyrrha said, tossing the box over the side, hitting one of the Grimm with it. 

The other ones hissed up at her.

"Oh, go away!" she yelled at them.

They backed up a little.

Right after that, the music suddenly shut off.

The others on land looked their way in confusion.

"Did it run out of power?" Mercury said.

"It was plugged in," Pyrrha said. "No, someone turned it off."

She drew her sword. "Come on. We need that on if we're going to hold them at bay."

"That better not have been a pun, Invincible Girl," Mercury muttered.

They rushed to the part of the ship where the sound system was, which was below the top deck.

In fact it was at the bottom of the ship, where most of the machinery for it was.

It was kind of creepy down there. Mercury didn't care for small, dark places.

And his shoes made way too much noise. Pyrrha stepped lightly because of her Semblance.

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