{Chapter 48}

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Eden's small hum fills my ears as I make our routine morning plates of breakfast. I slowly stir the eggs as she works on coffee. I stare at Dove's closed bedroom door as I impatiently tap my foot. Grayson sits at the table with his head pressed against the wood. He is clearly working off a hangover that has followed him well into the morning. His uniform is barely on right as his tie stays straggled around his neck. I keep observing my daughter's silent room as I stir more violently. Eden's hand presses against my own as she slows my pace on my whisking.

"She's with Jace Row. She's fine," Eden says with a small hug behind me. I feel her head lean on my back as I feed into her touch. My worries about my daughter only grow the longer I think of Tom.

"I feel like I died and came back to life," Grayson groans as Eden gives him a small smile. She works her way over to him with a gentle rub to his head. He smiles against her touch as she places a plate of food in front of him. Eden's kind nature has only blossomed with motherhood. Grayson, despite being close to my mother still clings onto Eden as if he came from her.

"Eat. You need to soak up whatever it is you drank last night," Eden says to Grayson with a small nudge.

I watch the man devour the food in front of him with wide bites. I can't help but smile as I see the child that once used to dance around this very living room linger in his face at this moment. No grown man, just my small kid brother who loved to color. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch our front door open. Jace's wide smile passes over my vision as he holds the door open for Dove. He watches her with a newfound light in his eyes. She marvels up at him as her red cheeks only grow redder once she takes notice of all of our eyes on them. Jace glances at me with a smile as he ruffles Grayson's hair. Eden pulls away from me as she gathers Jace in a large hug. He gradually lifts her up as her face presses to his shoulder. I watch his smile spread as my daughter moves closer to me. I wrap my arm around her as I run my hand over the long braid in her hair.

"Did you do that?" Eden questions with a smile toward Jace as she marvels at her daughter's hair.

"It would explain why it is so expertly crafted," Jace says with a grin.

"Did you drink as much as him last night?" I question as I look at Grayson's slumped figure.

"I know how to handle myself," Jace says with a small smirk as his eyes pass over my daughter. I roll my eyes as I glance at the food I had made. I bite my cheek to stop myself from pressing Jace on what exactly he means by that notion.

"You hungry honey?" I question Dove to distract me.

She pulls away from my grasp as she finally embraces her mom. Her hands mess with Grayson as Jace slowly makes his way over to me. I don't try and look past his collarbone as small bruises hide beneath the top hem of his shirt. Despite my mind struggling to wrap around Dove and him being so close, I almost felt at peace knowing he was watching her all night.

"Do I start calling you dad or would that be too much of a turn-on for you?" Jace questions with a coy smirk once he takes notice of my exploring eyes.

I give him a small nudge as my laughs finally escape me. He slings his arm over my shoulder as I make more plates.

"How did last night go?" I question as he takes a deep breath.

Jace looks as if he is ready to spill his guts.

"As good as it could have gone," Caroline answers as she moves through the front door. Sebastian trails behind her as they carry a few pouches of herbs in their hands.

"Althea's hangover cure," Sebastian says with a small shake as Caroline smiles at Grayson. His spirits seem elevated once he takes notice of the raven-haired girl. She dumps the herb mix into his juice, as Dove laughs at the sudden action.

Chasm of Chaos// A Hogwarts Legacy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now