Chapter 5

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Picture of Richie -->


"So what's up Ari?" Richie asked me when we got out of the noise and into his office.

"I'd like a job." I told him, fixing my vest as I spoke.

"Don't you have a job?" He asked me, sitting down behind his desk aand throwing his feet up.

"I got fired." I shrugged. "Bad mouthed a customer that was being sexist." He chuckled.

"That sounds like a Ariel thing to do." I nodded, the corners of my mouth turning up a little bit. "Well I guess it's your lucky day." He sat up, putting his feet back down on the ground. "One of my girls quit to care for her kid, and I happen to like you." He stood up, towering over me. "So, I guess you have a job." I almost fell backwards but caught myself before I did.

"Thank you so much Richie." I told him happily.

"You start on Monday, don't disappoint me Ariel." He pointed a finger at me but he had a smile on his face. "I'll see you soon Ari." I thanked him again and left his office.

At 2 pm I got out of the pit and returned the clothes to the rack. I met up with my brother and cousins at the door.

"What did you talk to Richie about?" Carder asked me as we walked down the street.

"I asked for a job." I stated casually, stepping aside for the 2 seat baby stroller.

"I thought you had a job." Mary stated, a little bit shocked.

"I got fired."

"Well did you get the job?" Carder asked me.

"Of course I did." I smirked. "I'm Ariel fucking Colt." I threw one hand up as I was holding my skateboard in the other hand.
"I guess we have to go home." I stood up, thanking Hadley and Andy for dinner.

"See you tomorrow Ari." Carder called after me. I waved good bye and followed Dean out of the house, heading back towards the house that held our stupid drunken father.

Let You Down (Sequel to Lost It All) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now