Chapter 20

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Hey guys, before you guys start reading this chapter which took me forever to write I'm sorry about that. I wanna tell you that I have an imagines book started and I'm taking requests, so yep, you guys can request anything and I'll write it for you if I know the character you requested. Anywhore, enjoy the long overdue chapter. 


For the 20th time in the past hour I pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages, I let out a shaky seeing no notifications by the texting app. Shoving my phone back into my pocket I sped up the pace so I was next to Patty again. 

"Still no reply?" Patty asked me, stepping closer to me to avoid being trampled by some people heading the opposite way. I shook my head no, tapping my fingers against my leg in nervousness. I had a bad feeling, I didn't know why. 

"I can't stop worrying about him." I sighed, trying to ignore the nagging sensation in my mind, telling me that something was wrong. "But I can't call him." I ran my hand through my bright red hair and sighed again. 

"Why not?" He asked, a little bit confused. 

"He doesn't talk." I told him. "He hasn't talked for years." 

"Well what if we go and see him after school, see what's happening." I nodded, my fingers still tapping a frantic rhythm on the side of my leg. For the rest of the day, I still checked my phone often, the nagging worry getting worse and worse as each hour passed slowly by. Sitting in Social Studies at the end of the way, I checked the time, noting that their was 10 minutes till the end of the day. My eyes widened suddenly, feeling the slight vibrating of my phone in my pocket. The teacher had her back turned so quickly I pulled my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it in record speed to see who the text was from. My breath caught in my throat when I read the name. Dean. 

"Ariel!" My head snapped up, I almost dropped my phone in panic but I shoved it back into my pocket before the devil teacher could see it and take it away. "Pay attention!" She barked. I nodded, my heart beating at a quick irregular pace. For the 10 minutes remaining of class, I tapped my fingers on the desk anxiously, looking at the clock so often that half the time the hands haven't even moved yet. I was the first person out of the classroom when the bell finally rang, trying my hardest to get Patty and get away from people. 

"Ariel!" My head snapped up, hearing name being called in a familiar voice. "Why are you going so fast?" 

"I got a text like 10 minutes ago, I wasn't able to check it yet." My words were rushed. "It was from Dean I only know that." Patty pulled me to the side to avoid getting trampled by the crowds of students pushing their ways out of classrooms. 

"Check it." We were huddled closely together in between one set of lockers and the next, basically the only place we could be without getting torn apart by the kids pushing each other in the halls. "Right now." I pulled out my phone, unlocking it with shaking hands. Entering my texting app, I clicked my brothers name and my phone would have crashed to the floor if it hadn't been for Patty and his quick reflexes.  He read the text message quickly and looked at my terrified face, making a quick decision. "Come on." He grabbed my hand, pulling me into the stream of kids moving through the halls. There were only 3 words he sent me that made my heart race. My mind wandered as Patty led us through the maze of hallways until we were outside the school. My phone got pushed back into my hand and I looked at the message again, feeling a hot tear running down my cheek for a second before I wiped it away and started running along side Patty, the 3 words echoing through my head. 

Please help me.

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