Chapter 18

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After we ate I went back to the room I would be staying in and I sat down on the bed, looking around the room again. Now I noticed all the little things I didn't see at first, there was a small bible on the side table, a cross hanging up on each wall and a rosary hanging up on the head board. I glared at the bible sitting on the side table and picked up, throwing at at the wall. I heard a chuckle from the door and looked over to see Patty, the blue haired boy, leaning against the door frame. 

"Can I help you?" I asked a bit rudely, seeing as he didn't even knock before opening my door. 

"Nah." He walked into my room and pushed past me to lay on the bed. "But what did the bible ever do to you?" He asked, gesturing to the small book that was now halfway across the room. I shrugged, running my hand through my bright red hair. "Not that religious?" I shrugged, again. 

"I can't believe in a God after everything that's happened to me." I laughed numbly, sitting at the end of the bed. Patty sat up, crossing his legs as he looked at me. "What about you?" I asked, looking right back at him. "You believe in our holy powerful lord and saviour?" He chuckled again, looking down at his hands before lifting his head back up to lock eyes with me again. 

"Nah." He shook his head. I nodded my head, leaning back so I was now laying down. "What's your story then?" I turned my head so I was looking at him again and sighed. 

"I's a long story." 

"I've got time." I bit my lip, nervous at telling this blue haired boy my life story. "I'm in the same place as you right now." He told me. "Waiting till I turn 18 so I can get out of here." I sat up again turning my entire body so I was fully facing and crossing my legs so I was sitting like him. 

"Well it starts when my mother died." I started my story. Patty was a really good listener, he was quiet the entire time I was talking, only making sound effects that didn't distract me from my story. "So now my father is in jail, Dean and I couldn't stay with my uncles for some fucked up reason, and since I'm not an adult, I couldn't get custody of Dean yet, so here I am." I finished my story angrily. "What about you Blue?" I asked. Patty raised his eyebrows at the nickname but started talking anyways. 

"My parents were great people, my mum loved my and my brothers, my dad did anything so that he could provide for us." He started, a sad look on his face as he talked about his parents. "My mum died of an infection that the doctors caught to late, and my dad was killed by a drunk driver when he was on the way home from my brothers baseball game. Joey was his name." I saw Patty swallow harshly and start to play with his fingers as he talked. "Joey was put in a coma, he didn't make it." I made a sound of sorry, not wanting to interrupt him to say sorry. He smiled sadly at me, glad that I didn't say sorry like most would. ""He died 5 days later." He nodded to himself. "Then it was me and Charlie, we were put in a home for kids like us." He gestured between the 2 of us. "Charlie got adopted pretty quickly, I mean, he was only 4 years old and still pretty cute. I was already 15." He shrugged and I nodded. Most people don't want a teenager when they could have a little baby. "I then heard that he died a couple months later, from the same infection that my mum had." I heard him sniffle and I reached into my bag, grabbing a couple tissues and handing them out to him. "Then I got sent from home to home for a couple years before I ended up here." He lifted his head, looking around the room in distaste. "I've been stuck here for almost a year now, only a couple months left." He let out a sigh, flipping his blue hair out of his face. "So that's me." He shrugged, now being all shy and stuff after revealing his life story to some chick he's just met. 

"So we're not that different." The corners of his lips turned up in a smile as he leaned back against his pillows. 

"I guess we're not." 


Hello there, another crappy chapter, I'm so sorry these are all so bad, I have an end idea but I just don't know how to get there, any ideas you guys have will be much appreciated. Even though most of you will skip over this and stuff. But I really need ideas. In other news, even though no one will read this, I want your opinions on if I should start an imagines book or not, it would be about all of the fandoms I'm apart of, but I need to know if any of you would actually read it. So leave me comments and stuff. Hope you liked the crappy chapter. <3

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