Chapter 23

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Sorry in advance!!!!!!!!


Dean looked so different, even after only a couple days.

His hair was now cut all choppy and jagged, like someone took scissors and went to town. His skin looked so pale, and he had dark circles underneath his eyes. From this angle it looked like he had a couple bruises, but no cuts or anything on his face.

I looked away from Dean and looked at Patty who was coming around to the backyard.

He moved quickly over to where I was standing and peeked through the window.

"Is that him?" He whispered quietly.

I could only nod.

"The window on the side of the house is open, we can get in through there."

"Shouldn't we call the cops first?" I crouched down and pulled Patty down with me.

"Already done."

I looked at him, my mouth dropped slightly.

"I've had my fair share of bad Foster homes." He stated. "I know the drill."

I took a deep breath, nodding at him.

He gestured his head to the side and started to jog to the side.

I followed behind him, staying low as we passed windows.

The window was already partially open, making it easier for Patty to push it open.

He climbed through the window and grabbed my hand to pull me up.

My feet landed on the ground softly.

The interior of the house was worse than the outside. There was garbage littering the floor, dirt was caked over the walls, I could see brown spots on the curtains from dried blood.

My footsteps were light as I walked. I peeked around the corner seeing the back of the Foster mom.

Dean's eyes met mine, his eyes widened in surprise but he recovered before anyone could notice.

'I'm getting you out of here.' My hands moved quickly to sign the words I couldn't say outloud.

Dean's head only moved slightly but it was a nod.

We were getting him out today.

Let You Down (Sequel to Lost It All) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now