What if

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"Hey, are you free at all this weekend?" Iwaizumi clenched his fists, trying to stop his shaking hands. He took in a breath as he waited for Oikawa's reply. "For you Iwa? Of course I'm free." Oikawa said with a beam. Iwaizumi felt his heart flutter, his nerves shrinking slightly. "Ok cool. I uh have something planned."
"You planned something, awww Iwa how sweet!"
"Don't make a big deal out of it idiot."

Oikawa began to question Iwaizumi about what he had planned but Iwaizumi simply told him it was a surprise. Oikawa had had enough surprises recently but he hoped this would be a good one.

There was only a few days left until the weekend. Iwaizumi needed to get his act together in order to impress Oikawa. He would need to gather information in order to make the day perfect. This was where Makki and Mattsun came in. He would ask them to find out the required information for him so that Iwaizumi wouldn't look suspicious.

Since Makki and Mattsun were already in on the plan, Iwaizumi wouldn't have to worry about keeping it a secret. It was nice to know that he wasn't alone anymore. Before, when he was with Emiko, he felt so isolated from everyone else and Emiko was the only person he could turn to. Even then, Emiko still made him feel alone, brushing off his worries and telling him he was being silly.

Of course, none of that compared to what Emiko put Oikawa through and it all just brought them closer together in the end. Oikawa was still being really supportive to Iwaizumi about everything. He knew that he wasn't the only one that was affected by Emiko, even though he'd definitely had the worst of it.

Emiko wasn't something that came up much in conversation. The boys had started to move on and almost began to forget everything that happened. Almost. Iwaizumi hoped that the bad part was over now, and that everything would be smooth from then on. Still, Iwaizumi couldn't relax fully, he didn't want to be unprepared if the worst wasn't over. He had a feeling he would run into Emiko again some day, though he hoped he wouldn't.

Iwaizumi tried to focus on his school work but soon gave up and started making a list of ideas for his surprise. Oikawa kept trying to see what he was writing but Iwaizumi was careful to make sure he couldn't.

"Hey, Oikawa, what's your favourite movie?" Mattsun asked Oikawa after school. He hoped it didn't seem like a random question but then, Oikawa was used to it, especially from fans. "Um why are you asking?"
"Me and Makki couldn't decide what to watch later, so I thought I'd ask you to see if you have any recommendations."

"Ugh fine but don't laugh at me. I really like the notebook, that's probably my favourite movie. But my favourite genre of movie, as you probably know, is sci-fi." Mattsun had to hold back a giggle. The notebook was such an obvious and perfect choice for Oikawa.

(I don't actually know if it is cos I haven't seen it. All I know is that it's a romance movie- I think. Please don't come for me 😅)

Mattsun reported back to Iwaizumi who also had to stifle a laugh. But in a way, he was happy it was a romance movie, since he liked those anyway. Plus it was a perfect fit for the mood he was going for.

Now Iwaizumi only needed to know what snacks to get. He wasn't sure why he'd never known this information since they'd been best friends for so long. This would soon change, for better or worse.

He'd get Makki to ask Oikawa for his favourite snacks in a couple of days so it didn't look suspicious.

He wondered if he should get Oikawa some flowers too or whether that was too much. He still had 3 days to figure everything else out and he had Makki and Mattsun to ask for advice. He wrote it down as another suggestion on his list which he would send to Makki and Mattsun when he got home.

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