Chapter 46

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The hours felt like days and the weeks felt like years. Every time I would get hostile, Galen would put me to sleep. Despite being forced into a constant slumber, I was exhausted. Exhausted of living for everyone else.

"Mavis is worried about you. She wants you back in Belmonte, but we're scared you'll hurt yourself if we move you." Orion told me.

He wasn't wrong. Any chance I had gotten, I attempted to end it. I spent my days chained to a bed, stewing in my miserable feelings.

It was two weeks in when Galen brought a mysterious potion to me.

"Drink, your highness."

"Will it kill me?"

"Perhaps. You never know with experimental potions."

I had hoped their potion went terribly wrong. I hoped it would kill me.

Galen poured their brew down my throat. The liquid was oddly thick, like a musty pudding. I coughed after I swallowed it.

"That's awful!" I hacked.

"I have spent weeks studying and trying to find an answer. This is the closest thing I could find to helping you. The fish fat was hard to find."

Unfortunately, it didn't kill me. I only wanted to die more after tasting it. But then, my body slowly stopped it's painful sensitivities. The bugs moved slower, the hammer dropped from a pounding speed to a frequent hit. I felt like the weight of the world lifted off my chest. The evil little voice haunting me had become quieter.

"How do you feel?" They asked.

I took a deep breath in.

"Better.. I think." I told them.

"Wonderful! I'll go make more! Stay here!"

"Don't have much of a choice."

Galen came back and stuffed more nasty sludge down my throat. My stomach gurgled at the unpleasant settling of the fish fat.

"I don't think I can have anymore." I burped, almost vomiting in my mouth.

"Just a little more. Then we'll be done with it." They insisted.

I stomached as much as I could. The vomit pooled in my mouth, but I swallowed it.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I want to clean my mouth out. Bleh."

"How are your pains?"

My pains. The pungent flavor was more unbearable than the pain. I couldn't believe it.

"My pain. It's getting better." I told them.

"Wonderful! I'll tell the news to Orion and Charles! Perhaps in a couple days of rest we can take you home."

Orion was called back in. My stomach tightened upon seeing him, remembering how rude I was to him before.

"Galen said you are doing better."

"A bit. Take these restrains off me. I want to move around." I demanded.

"No. You aren't ready." Orion said.

"Perhaps it would be good for him to move around a little."

"Are you sure? Remember what happened last time?"

Galen slowly nodded. Orion sighed.

"Alright. Fine."

Orion unchained my arms and legs. Red bands striped my ankles and wrists from the tight chains. My limbs felt like they could breathe again. They were stiffer than a plank.

I made little circles with my wrists and ankles to restore blood to them.

"Thank you, Galen." I said to them.

"Of course, your highness. I'll be around if you need help, Orion."

Orion nodded. Galen closed the creaky door behind them.

"You look better. There's color to your skin again."

"Everything still hurts, but it's muffled. My head.. Everything seems like a long blur."

"Do you still want to hurt yourself?"

I wasn't sure if I wanted to or not. Everything felt fuzzy around the edges, but I certainly wasn't going to tell Orion that. I couldn't be chained in the bed again.

"No. I don't. I'm fine now."

"Mhm. Well I'll still be keeping a close eye on you, just in case." He folded his hands.

"There are worse things." I said.

A moment of silence passed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so mean to you. You were just trying to help me."

"I forgive you. It should've been me hit with that Dread Dew instead."

"I don't know if I'd wish that upon my greatest enemy."

"Why don't you lay back down?" Orion suggested.

"I'm tired of laying around. I want to move."

"Alright, let's go for a short walk." Orion said.

When I stood up, my legs felt like they were going to give out from under me. Orion fetched me some comfortable shoes and clothes to put on.

He didn't leave my side for a single moment. It was like he was attached to my hip.

We left the empty room. It was in the basement of the castle. It made me feel like a prisoner.

We slowly went up the stairs and traveled through the castle. The people of Naporia were doing their best to repair the castle. The shards of glass and crystal were picked up, but there was still the matter of the giant hole in the throne room.

We walked over to the royal dining room. We expected it to be empty, but we heard two giggling voices.

"Did you see the size of Sir Edgar's belt?"

"Please, the only thing larger than his belt is his ego."

It was Charles and Queen... They were sipping tea out of tiny tea cups with elaborate designs.

"And Lady Marge. She thinks she's fooling anyone with that "emerald" necklace? She is not fooling anybody with that fake." Charles said.

The queen laughed.

Orion tapped his knuckles against the door.

"Pardon." He said.

They both turned their heads and set down their teacups. They made a clink as they set them down.

"Zander! It's good to see you out of bed." Charles said.

"How are you feeling?" The queen asked.

It was a hard question to answer that I had to get used to answering.

"Better. Thank you for allowing us to stay here for these past couple weeks." I said.

"My pleasure." She stood up out of her chair and straightened her dress.

"Zander, I would like to speak with you. In private."

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