Chapter 65

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"You can't go off alone." Daniel said firmly.

"I am. I'm leaving right now."

"Zander, I understand your pain. But you cannot show up at Vendov. You will barley have a chance to step in before you're dead." Galen said.

"I don't care. No one else I care about will get hurt from him. I'm ending this."

I began to step away from them.

Daniel grabbed my arm and tugged me back.

"Zander, please. I can't tell Mavis that you've died. I just can't." He pleaded.

"Have Charles tell her, then." I yanked away with one hard pull.

"You might not even make it to Vendov on foot. This cold could kill you." Galen said.

I focused on all the loss, the pain, the anger I as feeling. The war needed to end, and I didn't have my favorite person alongside me do do it. I needed to do it for him, for the people I cared about. I needed to protect them. I would no longer put them in danger.

Suddenly, I felt my body change. My muscles tingled and expanded. I dropped my pack as my skin turned green, and the texture became scaled. I had felt rejuvenated. I was no longer cold, the warm dragon's blood pumped through me.

The change was no longer a blur, and my body obeyed my commands. I rushed away from the camp, and spread my giant wings.

"Holy shit." Daniel said.

"He did it! He changed at will!" Galen said.

I carefully picked up my tiny pack with my claw. I pushed myself up off the ground and took flight, my wings carried me through the night sky. The soldiers rushed out of their tents upon hearing a strange noise. I looked down to see them all gaze in me with amazement. Soon, the soldiers looked like mice, then bugs. I could barley see the light of their camp.

I flew past Salkon, which had very little light. I thought of the blood stained stones, the innocents who died. It was going to end. Not a single more innocent life would be shred.

Flying was significantly faster than walking and horseback. I entered Vendov territory in the middle of the night, I hoped everyone was fast asleep.

I would have been lying if I said I had a plan, but my rage was determination enough to not need one. Looking back, I should have spent days creating a meticulous plan. I should have brought a team with me and snuck into the castle. I should have carefully considered outcomes.

Instead, I flew above the castle. It was black and twisted inside itself, like it had something evil to conceal. Torches and candles lit up the dark castle. The front wall was tall and spiked, a moat with eerie water under it opened to the large entrance.

The throne room was typically near the main entrance, based off what I had known about castle anatomy. I flew farther up into the air to allow myself speed. Then, with all my force, I flew directly toward the throne room, head first.


The castle shook as I forced my big body into the dark stone. The castle crumbled. Stone fell down from the throne room, landing onto me. Pain filled through my body, but not as much as I expected. Screams filled the castle.
"We're under attack! Run!"

"Hurry! We're under attack!"

I laid for a moment under the stone. I pushed myself off before my body began to shrink. Gray dust filled the air, pumping into my lungs.

I reached through the rubble with my small, human hands. The stones were thick and heavy to lift. Through the dust and chaos, I pulled out my pack and slipped on the clothes I had stored away, along with my weapon.

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