Chapter 3

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Tweek's POV

As we leave the empty classroom I start to think for a bit. If I were to get away, how would I? I mean it shouldn't be THAT hard , right? We start to head over to our friend group that consists of Me , Craig , Clyde , Tolkien , and Jimmy . They were standing by the lockers , which was great, because they were right next to my next class which was math . The only bad thing was that Craig was also in this class. So much for my getting away plan. Well, I guess that can go on. hold for a bit.

"Hey my little gay birds," , Clyde says in a teasing tone. I chuckled for a second at the "gay birds " part. He's hilarious.

"H-Hey guys. I can't talk b-because I gotta g-get to class but I'll see you guys at l-lunch", I say stuttering as usual, but I was actually talking fast so I can GET AWAY from Craig. At least try to get away. I swear I only take ONE step away from the group when Craig walks right behind me and tightly wraps both his arms around my waist and pulls me so my back is pressed against his body.

"What Tweek actually means is that WE have class so WE will see you guys at lunch ", Craig says. Oh lord here we go...


Craig's POV

OMG TWEEK IS SO FUNNY! I mean he really thought I was gonna let him out of my sight that easily? God he's so cute and gullible it makes me smile. We walk to math class with him still in my arms . Best . Feeling . Ever! We go to our seats that are next to each other and listen to the teacher talk . After a while I get distracted and completely turn my attention to my Tweek. He's so freakin' BEAUTIFUL! His hair , his eyes , every bit of him turns me on .

" Alright class for this assignment you are permitted to work in pairs . Get to work please ", Mr . Garrison says. I almost immediately turn to Tweek who rolls his eyes and turns away from me . Aww he's irritated. So adorable!

"Hey Tweekyy , I guess I'm your partner ", I say leaning towards him smirking. "Yeah, that's soo great, he huffs out sarcastically.

We get to finish the assignment and have extra time until class ends . My time to shine!

"So Tweekyy, we have 40 minutes left of class ," I says as I put my hand up his shirt. Boy is he soft.

"CRAIG FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET AWAY FROM ME ", he yells, almost the whole class heard him scream at me just now . Oh he's gonna get it...

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