Chapter 14

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Tweek's POV

It's finally Sunday, which means my parents come home today. Thank god! I'm pretty surprised that I've lasted this long without my parents, especially with Craig spending the night. He was soo annoying. It's like he can't breathe when I'm not by him , which absolutely irritates me. Like the amount of sex we had this weekend is ridiculous. And the worst part , it was without my consent! UGHH!! I just can't with him . The good thing is that he already left a while ago, so I can gladly say that I'm "free" . Well at least for right now . I guess.

I'm in my living room watching my favorite show called "Shameless" . But I get interrupted by a knock on the door. I think it's my parents ! HOORAY! I happily get up and open the door with a huge smile on my face, expecting to see my parents, but I look up to see that it was someone else at the door. None other than Kenny McCormick.

"O-Oh h-hey Kenny" I say , a little sad that it's not my mom and dad , but still happy to see Kenny. I honestly missed seeing him . "Hey Tweekers. Can I come hang with you for a bit?" he asks with a smile on his face. I nod and let him into my house.

He sits down on the couch as I walk to the kitchen " Are y-you h-hungry? I-I have some leftover Alfredo I made y-yesterday" I say as I grab the container out the fridge. "Sure . Thank you Tweek" he says softly as he looks me into the eyes. His eyes are so pretty! I chuckle and heat the food up.

We both eat the food as we watch Shameless together. It's nice to have Kenny over just to hang out with him. He's my comfort person that I can express my feelings to . He'll listen to me go on about my problems, and I'll do the same without a care in the world. I love him so much for that .

After we eat I wash out dishes and clean up around the house, just in case my parents come home at any given second. Once I was done I plop back onto the couch next to Kenny. We end up talking about random stuff, mostly about shameless though. We then get into a random debate about who the best shameless character is, which is OBVIOUSLY Mickey, but he thinks it's Lip .

We keep having our little debate until he just stops talking. "U-Uh Kenny? Are you okay?" I ask a little worried, as he just continues to stare to stare at me straight into my eyes again. Is he okay? He's freaking me out a little bit since he just keeps staring at me.

WHAT IS GOING ON?! He then smiles at all with a big smile, and then brings his face close to mine. Uh... is he doing what I think he's doing? His face is now extremely closer to mine, to the point where our noses are touching. He's gonna kiss me! I mean... I'm not mad at it or anything. Actually I would enjoy to be honest.

To speed things up, I also lean in closer to his face . I'm gonna actually kiss my best friend. Kenny McCormick ! We're less than an inch apart until I hear my parents " Aww honey look ! Tweek's having his first kiss! " my mom squeals as me and Kenny blush and back away a little. DANG IT MOM.

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