Chapter 18

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Kenny's POV

THAT'S IT! I'm sick of this jerk and his psychotic ways hurting Tweek! It has gone way out of hand , and I'm putting an end to it TONIGHT.

I quickly get on top of him and just start pounding him (not in THAT way) . At this point, I'm not even able to control all my anger so I just keep punching him as his nose starts to bleed and his eye slowly turns purple. That means I'm doing a good job.

"DON'T EVER TOUCH MY TWEEK EVER AGAIN!" I yell into his face . Oh and yes , I meant to say "My" Tweek. As soon as I get rid of Craig, I'll keep Tweek safe with ME everyday! Maybe I'll even build up the courage to ask him out eventually as well.

I would cherish every moment we have together and never take it for granted . Not even for one second . I will make it my goal to make him to happiest boy on the planet with me , care-free and stress-free.

I didn't realize that I was distracted by my thoughts until I feel Craig flip over and punch me in the face. "Tweek is MINE! AND ONLY MINE!" He screams in my face while still beating me as I try to fight back. " Craig d-don't h-hurt him p-please!" Tweek says while crying. You can see it in his eyes how hurt he's been. I love him too much to just continue to allow this.

Craig then slowly gets off of me, and goes over to Tweek with something in his hand. I can't tell what he's holding since it's covered in his big hand. He grabs Tweek by the face and holds the object up to Tweek's stomach. It looks like...oh no. HE'S GONNA STAB HIM!

I try to rush on my feet but in the process I feel Craig's foot pressed on my back. I try to get off the floor, but for some reason his foot is extremely strong and has me pinned to the ground.

"You did this to yourself Tweek. I love you so much sweetheart " he says before stabbing Tweek right in the stomach. "NOO TWEEK!" I yell through sobs, how could he do this?! I finally get my strength back and tackle Craig to the floor, beating him until he passes out.

After that, I go over to Tweek , who was bleeding badly. Tears streaming down my face and sobs escaping my mouth as I do everything I possibly can to help him like CPR and and trying to stop the blood from oozing out of him. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! WHY?!

"Please don't die on me Tweek! Be strong for me sweetie " I choke out through even more sobs . I then check his pulse and heartbeat , still having some hope . Thank god, he's still breathing and his heart is beating. THANK GOODNESS!

I grab my phone with my shaky hands and call 911, making sure to tell them that Craig did this. After a couple seconds, I hear sirens and pick Tweek up to take him downstairs. The paramedics and police arrive and I explain to them the whole situation as they take Tweek from my arms , as the police go upstairs to take Craig to jail.

As they put Tweek on the stretcher, I grab his hand, telling him that I'm still here and am not going to leave him. "I'm going with him " I say as I help put Tweek into the truck and get in next to him. They start drinking as I just stare at Tweek , tears still running down my face.

He doesn't deserve this , ANY of it! I won't let anything or anyone harm Tweek EVER again. Not in a million years.

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