Chapter 23

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No one's POV

Ever since Craig escaped, he has been trying to figure out how he can get his Tweek back. During his time of thinking, he finally got an idea.

Determined to catch Tweek off guard, Craig decided to spy on him to gather information. He knew Tweek's routines well, so he carefully planned his every move. Late at night, when the town was asleep, Craig equipped himself with a pair of binoculars, a disguise, and a notepad to record any suspicious activities.

Silently creeping through the shadows, Craig positioned himself near Tweek's house. He peered through the binoculars, his eyes fixated on the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tweek's secrets. As he carefully observed, he noticed Tweek's restless movements and nervous demeanor.

With each passing day, Craig's obsession with spying on Tweek grew stronger. He spent hours meticulously documenting every detail, every interaction, and every conversation Tweek had with others. His determination to uncover the truth consumed him completely.

One evening, while spying from a nearby tree, Craig saw Tweek talking to another person, a mysterious figure he had never seen before. Intrigued, Craig jotted down the description of the stranger, determined to find out who they were and what they wanted with Tweek.

Days turned into weeks, and Craig's relentless pursuit of information began to take a toll on him. He became sleep-deprived, always on edge, and paranoid. The lines between reality and his own delusions started to blur.

One fateful night, as Craig was hiding behind a bush, he overheard a conversation between Tweek and the mysterious stranger. It turned out that the stranger was actually an undercover detective investigating the case with him and Tweek , who was helping him gather evidence.

Realizing his mistake, Craig's heart twitched. He was devastated about what he did to Tweek.He hurt his own boyfriend . Overwhelmed with guilt and remorse, Craig decided to put an end to his mission, and to find another way.


IM BACK EVERYONE!! I promise I didn't forget about you guys. During my absence, I wasn't in the right mental state and had to focus on getting better . I've finally recovered about halfway and I am officially returning to writing for you guys. HOORAYYYY🥳🥳🥳

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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