Chapter 8

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Tweek's POV


I woke up groggily, the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains of the school nurse's office. Confusion clouded my mind as I tried to recall how I ended up here. Then it hit me. Craig. My boyfriend. The reason I was lying here, feeling sore and disoriented , was because I was choked by Craig. Shocker.

Craig and I had been dating for a while now, and while our relationship had its ups and downs, I never expected it to turn violent. But earlier , something snapped in him like never before . We had gotten into an argument over something trivial, and before I knew it, he had hurt me. The details were blurry, lost in a whirlwind of fear and pain.

As I gingerly sat up, my body aching, I knew I couldn't stay here any longer. I had to get out. I had to find a safe place away from Craig's anger. With trembling hands, I gathered my things, trying my best to be as quiet as possible. I didn't want anyone to notice my departure, especially not Craig.

Just as I was about to slip out of the nurse's office, a familiar figure appeared in the doorway. It was Craig, his face etched with concern. His voice trembled as he spoke, "Tweek, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just... I lost control."

My heart pounded in my chest as I took a step back, fear gripping me. I didn't want to believe his words, not after what he had done. I couldn't trust him anymore. "Craig, please... just leave me alone," I managed to whisper, my voice laced with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

But Craig didn't budge. He continued to stand there, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. It made me uncomfortable, this display of affection after causing me harm. I wanted to escape, to find solace somewhere far away from his presence.

As I made my way down the hallway, hoping to disappear into the crowd, I felt a presence behind me. It was my classmate, Kenny. He had always been perceptive, noticing things others missed. And today was no different.

Kenny caught up with me, his voice filled with concern, "Tweek, what happened? You look shaken. Is everything okay?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Finally, I decided to confide in him, hoping he could offer some guidance or assistance. "Craig hurt me, Kenny," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I can't handle being around him anymore, but he won't leave me alone."

Kenny's eyes widened in disbelief and anger. He had seen the signs, the way Craig had been flirting with me incessantly throughout the day. It made me uncomfortable, but I never had the courage to speak up. Now, I was at my breaking point.

Determined to protect me, Kenny confronted Craig, trying to reason with him. But Craig's obsession seemed to have consumed him entirely. He refused to back down, insisting that I belonged to him, that I was his to possess.

My heart sank as I watched Kenny's failed attempt to intervene. I realized that I couldn't rely solely on others to keep me safe. I had to find the strength within myself to break free from this toxic relationship.

Summoning every ounce of courage, I confronted Craig one final time. I looked him in the and said, " Craig, can you please stop being creepy and abusive and just have a normal relationship with me?" He laughs at me . More like a chuckle but still a laugh . " Hahaha , no" he says , and just pulls me tightly in for a quick passionate kiss and walks away . THAT'S IT! IVE HAD IT!

MINE//Yandere Creek / TwennyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant