Chapter 17

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Tweek's POV

GAH! Why is he back over here?! He literally left not too long ago and now he's back for round two? AHHHH! Well, I guess it's time to head upstairs. I grab Kenny's hand and lead him to my room. Holy moly, his hands are so soft! It's like I feel like I never wanna let go .

As we go in my room, I start to get a little more anxious. What if Craig hurts me AND Kenny? I don't want him to suffer from something that's not even his fault. But maybe Kenny could protect the both of us. Hopefully.

My thoughts are completely interrupted when I hear footsteps from down the hall. Oh god here we go. " Oh Tweeky~" he says in a creepy sing song voice . Yep , he's definitely pissed off . I start to shake a little until Kenny puts his arm around me and smiles.

His smile is my WEAKNESS. I mean I don't know how he gets his teeth to look that clean. I mean he's THE definition of handsome! I just can't believe I've been so oblivious to his features and him in general, and we've known each other since the sandbox (literally).

After my little moment of thinking, Craig comes in . He instantly walks towards Kenny and picks him up with one hand by his parka. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING MCWHOREMICK?! STEALING MY TWEEK!" He yells into Kenny's face. Even though Kenny doesn't look scared or bothered, I still can't help but feel bad for him .

I decide to toughen up a bit as I stand up and walk towards them , trying to pull Kenny away from the evil bastard! " L-Leave him a-alone C-Craig! I i-invited h-him over to hang o-out" I say as I finally pull Kenny away and stand in front of him .

Craig then turns his attention to me , giving me his most evil look yet . Next thing I know , he pounces right on top of me and proceeds to punch me and scream in my face. " AND WHO SAID YOU COULD DO THAT?! BECAUSE I SURE AS HELL DIDNT " he screams at me.

I try to get him off me and block his hits which doesn't work since he's way too strong . He just continues to hit me as I sob , giving up at this point. " SHUT UP CRYBABY! OH ILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT ALRIGHT!" He yells , ripping off my shirt. Oh no.

I close my eyes , ready to feel the pain until I feel Craig fall off of me . I open my eyes to see Kenny beating Craig up on the floor. " DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY TWEEK  EVER AGAIN! " Kenny yells. Wait...HIS?? What does he mean by that ?...

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