Chapter 5

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Tweek's POV

Ever since yesterday, I've been trying to avoid Craig. I started being risky by just walking right away from him when he tried to talk to me . I know it's not gonna last long but at least it's working now . I think.

I go to my locker and grab my books when I see Craig walk up to me. I'm gonna kill myself. SERIOUSLY.

Tweek: (nervously) H-hey, Craig.

Craig: Hey, babe. You know, I've noticed you've been avoiding me lately. Is there something you're not telling me?

Your really so sick in the head that you don't even realize what your doing. Jesus this guys needs to go to a psych ward!

Tweek: (stammering) N-no, I... It's just been a stressful week. I'm fine, really.

Craig: Well, I don't like it when you avoid me, Tweek. (leans in closer) I can't help but feel like you're trying to keep secrets from me. And that's not good for our relationship, is it?

Tweek: (visibly uncomfortable) No, I... I guess not...

Craig: (smirking) Good. You know, I've been thinking about you a lot. I just love the way your hair sticks up like that. It makes me want to run my fingers through it... and maybe pull on it a little.

Tweek: (blushing and anxious) Um... Craig, that's... that's a little creepy.

By a little, I mean A LOT.

Craig: (ignoring Tweek's discomfort) And your eyes... They're so wide and expressive. It's like I can see right into your soul and know everything you're thinking.

Tweek: (voice shaking) Craig, please... Can we talk about something else?

Craig: (getting even closer) You know I love you, Tweek. I just want you to understand that there's no reason for you to hide from me. I'll always be here for you, even if you don't want me to be.

Tweek: (panicking and finally speaking up) Craig! I... I can't do this anymore! You're smothering me, and it's making me really uncomfortable. I need some space!

Craig: (looking hurt) What do you mean? I'm just showing you how much I care about you.

Tweek: (frustrated) I know, but it's too much and too gross! I hate when you do this Craig . GET A GRIP!

I then slam my locker and walk away from him pissed. I just felt scared and frustrated at the same time and it was not a good mixture.

I turn back around to see him and I accidentally look him right in his angry eyes . I know he's gonna do something but at least I got my feelings out . That actually felt good to do..

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